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Creator II
Creator II

Store function - dots instead of commas


I need to export the data to CSV, but I need to make the decimal separator a dot, not a comma. Changing the "DecimalSep" in global variables does not change this.

I also have a lot of fields in the data and I'm not smiling using "replace" or something like that.


Any ideas?

Labels (5)
3 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

This should work


STORE Test INTO [test.csv](txt, delimiter is '.');

Contributor III
Contributor III

Does changing the seperators from the data load editor solve your problem?Capture.PNG

Creator II
Creator II


No, I don't think so. Delimiter is used for something else - separates the fields from each other.

I need the simple dot format to be in the fields where I have numbers.


Sample field - "sales".

Now I have format: 3 001,54

After export to CSV have to be: 3001.54



I have:

SET ThousandSep='';
SET DecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyThousandSep='';
SET MoneyDecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyFormat='$# ##0.00;($# ##0.00)';

It doesn't work 😞