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I Have Calculated MTD_VOL using this expression:
sum({< INV_STATUS={'S'},OPERATION={'SAH'},SO_DT={">=$(=Date(Monthstart(Max(SO_DT)),'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT),'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>}
and now i have to use above MTD_VOL expression in another expression for range ">0<40" i.e MTD_VOL={">0<40"} in below expression:
count ( {<(MTD_VOL)={">0<40"},KEYACCGRP2_CD=={'VISI'} >} CUST_CD&DIST_CD)
How i can Achieve Please help
You are not allowed to do nested aggregations directly in Qlik. However you can use either the Aggr() function or an "Advanced Search" to achieve it.
Count ( {<UniqueDIM={
Sum({< INV_STATUS={'S'},OPERATION={'SAH'},SO_DT={">=$(=Date(Monthstart(Max(SO_DT)),'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT),'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>}
>0 AND
Sum({< INV_STATUS={'S'},OPERATION={'SAH'},SO_DT={">=$(=Date(Monthstart(Max(SO_DT)),'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT),'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>}
You could put the repeated Sum-calculation in a variable as a string called vSumPVOL and make the expression simpler like this:
Sum({<INV_STATUS={'S'},OPERATION={'SAH'},SO_DT={">=$(=Date(Monthstart(Max(SO_DT)),'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT),'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>} PACK_VOL)
Then the count expression can use this variable like this:
Count {<UniqueDIM={"=$(=vSumPVOL)>0 AND $(=vSumPVOL)<40)"}>} , KEYACCGRP2_CD=={'VISI'} >} CUST_CD&DIST_CD)
The key for this to work is that the UniqueDIM is a correctly chosen dimension for the advanced search to be matched with. To be absolutely sure that it performs the search a unique dimension could be used.
Hi Skjolden,
MTD_VOL is not a field its calculated using some logic, then how you are defining it in the expression as
May be this:
Count {<MTD_VOL={"=$(=MTD_VOL)>0 AND $(=MTD_VOL)<40)"}>} , KEYACCGRP2_CD=={'VISI'} >} CUST_CD&DIST_CD)
MTD_VOL = sum({< INV_STATUS={'S'},OPERATION={'SAH'},SO_DT={">=$(=Date(Monthstart(Max(SO_DT)),'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT),'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>}
above expression I have to use in place of MTD_VOL within given range
count ( {<(MTD_VOL)={">0<40"},KEYACCGRP2_CD=={'VISI'} >} CUST_CD&DIST_CD)
(MTD_VOL) doesn't exist in database as a field, its calculated using some expression, how can you take MTD_VOL = in expression.
You are right - and I have corrected my answer now above with the use of UniqueDIM as a field ... You will have to find a unique field int the datamodel or create one in your data model - which is easy by using RowNo() or RecNo() functions in the load statements.
In your Count() expression, You want to consider : (MTD_VOL)={">0<40"} and you want to consider some fields values = to MTD_VOL - 0 to 40. what's the field name you want to take MTD_VOL values range?
Is there a single or multiple dimension/s against which you are trying to evaluate this condition?
sum({< INV_STATUS={'S'},OPERATION={'SAH'},SO_DT={">=$(=Date(Monthstart(Max(SO_DT)),'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT),'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>}
sum({< INV_STATUS={'S'},OPERATION={'SAH'},SO_DT={">=$(=Date(Monthstart(Max(SO_DT)),'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT),'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>}
PACK_VOL) < 40?
multiple dimension
i have to count customer for which MTD_Vol is >0<40.
and MTD_VOL logic is =
sum({< INV_STATUS={'S'},OPERATION={'SAH'},SO_DT={">=$(=Date(Monthstart(Max(SO_DT)),'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT),'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>}
so now the actual logic will be
count(customer) for whom MTD_VOL range will be >0<40 and KEYACCGRP2_CD={'VISI'}
May be you use need to use Aggr() in that case
Count({<KEYACCGRP2_CD = {'VISI'}>} Aggr(If(
Sum({< INV_STATUS = {'S'}, OPERATION = {'SAH'}, SO_DT = {">=$(=Date(MonthStart(Max(SO_DT)), 'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT), 'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>} PACK_VOL) > 0
Sum({< INV_STATUS = {'S'}, OPERATION = {'SAH'}, SO_DT = {">=$(=Date(MonthStart(Max(SO_DT)), 'DD-MM-YYYY'))<=$(=Date(Max(SO_DT), 'DD-MM-YYYY'))"}>} PACK_VOL) < 40,
Customer), ListOfDimensions))