When using Microsoft IIS for the web server in a QlikView Server implementation, generally it is recommended to configure the QlikView virtual directories to only allow Windows Authentication. In the case of an implementation where users are accessing things from outside the server domain and/or the internal network, users may receive an additional login prompt when opening Documents from the AccessPoint or sending to Excel/ using a Print action in the Ajax client.
Having the virtual directories set to only Windows Authentication in IIS may result in unexpected authentication requests, so it is best practice to set Windows Authentication on the pages that require authenticated access instead of configuring all pages to be secured.
The solution to the issue is to modify the security on all QlikView Virtual Directories in IIS to allow Anonymous and only lock down the necessary files with Windows Authentication.
Keep Windows authentication only (no anonymous authentication) on:
They can be found in the QvAjaxZfc virtual directory.
Note: By default, the virtual directories will inherit the properties of the web site.