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NOTE: Do NOT change/replace any of the NPrinting default system service user accounts
QlikView Verification Error
x The QlikView Desktop License is valid
NOTE: With QVP NPrintng Connections the QV desktop installed on the NPrinting Server MUST be the same version as the QVS QlikView Server. You will experience NP Verification errors if they are not the same version.
To ensure NPrinting Connections work correctly, it is critical to ensure that the above requirements are met. Then take the following steps:
Or In a Single NPrinting Environment with Multiple NP Engines (Example PROD Environment with 3 NP Engines)
Note: NPrinting does not support the use of multiple domain environments. Specifically, the NPrinting service account used to run the NPrinting server service must be a user account that is in the same domain that the NPrinting server is a member of. The error in Figure 1.3 below may result when an external domain user account is used to install NPrinting with.
If using a QlikView desktop CAL rather than a CAL from the QMC
Figure 1.1 Configure Desktop License
Figure 1.2 Configure/Manually Assign a Named CAL for the NP service account (do not allow the NP service account to "dynamically" lease a Named or Session CAL)
NOTE: The NP service account, built-in Windows 'Network Service' and 'local' accounts should not have any default user rights assignments removed from it via Active Directory Group Policy. In some large network enterprises, user rights assignments are removed or changed for service account. User rights assignments must remain in their default state to ensure that Qlik NPrinting can be installed correctly and work as designed. Changing/removing any default user assignments via local group policy editor or through global network group policy management will adversely impact the installation and running of the NPrinting server environment. If policy is changed, the following similar to the one below may occur during setup and installation. See figure 1.3:
Figure 1.3
Finally, the NP service account must have network folder and file full permission access to all network file/folder locations for which it must connect to ie: such as output file locations on the network etc. Failure to provide the NP service account with adequate computer and network permissions will result in data reload and task hanging and report generation failures. Also as a reminder if using QlikView Publisher, the QVW must be published to the NPrinting dedicated service domain user account in order to allow NPrinting Connections to that QVW on the publisher server.
If you are running instances of NPrinting Start from June 2019 release of NPrinting and later versions
From April 2019 and earlier versions,
Note: Upgrading to NPrinting June 2019 or later versions removes the necessity for a dedicated user account and an assigned "Token" or "Analyzer" license for exclusively NPrinting and Qlik Sense connections.
The Qlik NPrinting Server services administrator must:
Qlik Sense
To connect Qlik NPrinting to Qlik Sense apps:
The Windows user account that runs the Qlik NPrinting Engine service must have:
Thank you for the detailed article, it would be helpful if there is a video to it.
I still cannot resolve my error: X The QlikView Desktop license is valid.
I have a Named user CAL dedicated (manually assigned) to DOMAIN\qvprod user, and this user is the NPrinting Server Admin user (I log on to https://localhost:4993 with this user). The NPrinting Engine service is run with DOMAIN\qvtest user (I tried also to run it with DOMAIN\qvprod user but the same error appears). NPrinting server and engine are May 2021SR1 ( version.
QV desktop (12.50.204 April 2020, SR4) is the same version as QVS and I leased the DOMAIN\qvprod license to it.
What else could be the reason for this error?
Iliyan Somlev,
Balkan Services Ltd. (Partner)
Hello @iliyansomlev
We sincerely appreciate your feedback! Thank you!
To get assistance with your specific question or questions, please post to the Qlik Community as new discussion.
In this case ask to the NPrinting Community at the link below:
Kind regards...
Hi Iliyan,
I suggest you to create a different post for each question in the community https://community.qlik.com/t5/Qlik-NPrinting-Discussions/bd-p/qlik-nprinting-discussions
About creating a connection to a QlikView server refer to https://help.qlik.com/en-US/nprinting/May2021/Content/NPrinting/GettingStarted/HowCreateConnections/.... You need to insert the same path you use when opening documents on the server from QlikView Desktop, so not the full network path. You will use the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths, such as \\ServerName\NPrintingServer\QlikViewDocuments, when connecting to local documents stored on a network folder.
The domain user who need to have a QlikView license is the one that runs the Qlik NPrinting Engines Windows services. You can login via RDP on the computers where you installed them with that user and run QlikView Desktop to be sure the license is correctly assigned. Personal Edition is not supported.
If this will not solve, please, open the new conversations in the community.
Best Regards,
Thank you for your answers.
I will open a new discussion.
Iliyan Somlev