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How to install and start using Qlik-CLI for SaaS editions of Qlik Sense

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How to install and start using Qlik-CLI for SaaS editions of Qlik Sense

Last Update:

Aug 26, 2024 6:28:42 PM

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Created date:

Mar 31, 2021 1:46:31 PM

This video will demonstrate how to install and configure Qlik-CLI for SaaS editions of Qlik Sense.





  • The user has access to a Qlik Cloud tenant
  • The user has a professional license assigned in the tenant
  • The user has the developer role assigned (required for API access)
  • An API key can be obtained


Installation method One

  1. Download Qlik-CLI from GitHub
  2. Copy the executable to a local directory
  3. Add the Qlik-CLI as an Environment Variable Path
    1. Open your Windows Control Panel
    2. Navigate to System 
    3. Open Advanced system settings in the leftmost menu
    4. Click Environment Variables 
    5. Locate Path in the User's System variables 
    6. Click Edit
    7. Click New
    8. Add the path to Qlik-CLI for example C:\Tools\Qlik-QLI\Modify the User Environment. Add path to Qlik-CLI. ie "C:\Tools\Qlik-QLI\"Modify the User Environment. Add path to Qlik-CLI. ie "C:\Tools\Qlik-QLI\"
    9. Confirm with OK until all windows are closed
  4. Confirm the Qlik-CLI location path to verify it the installation completed successfully 
    1. Open PowerShell
    2. Execute:
      get-command qlik​
    3. Closer PowerShell


Installation Method Two

  1. Download and install Chocolatey as documented on
  2. Open PowerShell
  3. Execute:
    choco install qlik-cli
  4. This completes the installation.


Enable the Completion Feature (optional, but useful)

  1. Verify if a PowerShell profile exists or create a new one
    1. Open PowerShell
    2. Execute:
      if ( -not (Test-Path $PROFILE) ) {
         echo "" > $PROFILE
  2. Open the profile with the command notepad $PROFILE:
    qlik completion ps > "./qlik_completion.ps1" # Create a file containing the powershell completion.
    . ./qlik_completion.ps1                      # Source the completion.​
  3. Save it. 
  4. Restart PowerShell


Use Qlik-CLI

Advanced and additional instructions as seen in the video can be found at Qlik-CLI on Qlik.Dev. Begin with Get Started.

Labels (1)
Contributor III


Please help. I can't copy or write the api key, it seems to be disabled

Digital Support

Hello @josemanzod Can you clarify your query? Are you unable to obtain an API key from Qlik Cloud? In which case, have you verified that it is enabled and that you have the correct role (developer)? See Managing API keys.

Or are you experiencing a different issue?

All the best,

Contributor III

Hi Sonja.

Yes, I do have the key, but I can't write it in the cmd.

Digital Support

Hello @josemanzod 

The API key will not be written out. In my example, I reached the "API-key" section, right-clicked into PowerShell (default paste operation), and then hit return.

The API key was correctly recorded in the context.yml file.


All the best,


Contributor III

Hi Sonja.

It was waiting for the api key to be written to the screen.

Thank you.



Partner - Contributor III

Get the following error while running any commands but at the same time we are getting the output as well after this error .. i am not sure why I am getting the following error 


any help would be much appreciated 



Digital Support

Hello @Bhaskarkumar 

I cannot reproduce this, so I recommend posting about this directly in our Integration and API forum to see if our active community and support agents can help you get to the bottom of this.

My output (using the command you showed):

apps listed.png

All the best,

Partner - Contributor III

Sure, thanks for the response!


It's happening when I am using Powershell ISE




@josemanzod I had the same trouble as you on a few PC's we set this up on. I ended up copying my context.yml file from a working machine to the machine having the issue. You will need to modify the file a little with a text editor, but it works! Here is where the file resides. %userprofile%\.qlik\contexts.yml


Hi @Sonja_Bauernfeind,

Based on your comment, I'm trying to paste API key in PowerShell. But getting below error. 



Please help me to resolve the issue. 


