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As License Token is only valid for 90 days after it was created, it is renewed automatically by Talend Administration Center, except if Talend Administration Center is not connected or cannot access Talend Token Site.
You will be experiencing a situation where the License Token will not automatically renew in Talend Administration Center.
Port 443 is the port to access the license token validation server.
There are two potential causes:
For more information about how to clear Talend Administration Center Cache, please refer to this official article:
You are a prospective customer and are looking to purchase a Qlik Cloud subscription.
You are a prospective customer, having never purchased Qlik licenses before and are interested in learning more about Qlik products and making a purchase:
You are an existing Customer, having previously purchased a license directly from Qlik and wish to purchase additional licenses or CALs:
You are an existing Customer and purchased your licenses through a third party (not directly from Qlik) and wish to purchase additional licenses or CALs:
As a benefit of our Analytics Modernisation Program (AMP), a signed license key is issued as a unified license key. This enables the use of one license across Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows and QlikView, granted the license has the required QlikView infrastructure attributes (QV_NODES for QVS, QDS_NODES for Publisher).
This allows for analyzer capacity to be shared across all systems using the same license.
Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows
With a Signed License Key (SLK) applied as a unified license across multiple environments
Here is an example:
A QlikView server currently shows 18 minutes of consumption in the QlikView Management Console (Fig 1.)
This can be accessed through: System (A) > Licenses (B) > Choose the License (C) > Professional and Analyzer access (D)
Fig 1
If a user accesses and consumes on a linked Qlik Sense Enterprise Server, the Qlik Sense Enterprise Management Console will show the up-to-date consumption. See Fig 2. Note the 24 minutes, an increase from the 18 we have seen in QlikView.
This can be accessed in the Qlik Sense Management Console > License Management > License usage summary
Fig 2
The usage on the server will be synchronized and shown on the other linked servers within approximately 10 minutes. See Fig 3 and note the 24 minutes, which matches the value in Qlik Sense.
Fig 3
For local consumption data, each server will store its own consumption and user information.
For Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows, the License Monitor app will show capacity consumption.
For the QlikView Server, the capacity consumption is shown and stored in the local session log file, with the CAL consumed being Analyzer Capacity, with a log entry like this:
RLS64 12.50.20200.0 20210412T132942.000+0200 20210412T133617.000+0200 C:/ProgramData/QlikTech/Documents/retail store performance.qvw 20190220T113522.000+0200 Socket closed by client 20210412T133601.000+0200 00:00:16 0.000000 10228 1303493 31 2 QTSEL\ghd 1718e2e6-5b1c-4b9e-87a9-d9200f55e37a Ajax QvWS 12.50.20200.0 browser.msie illa/5.0 (windows nt 10.0 On 4747 fe80::df3:cd38:b86f:50bd 58495 Analyzer Capacity 6 315dcfab-7448-4f4b-8209-ef34742b1abe
Long term offline capability for the releases April 2020 and onwards requires a change to the license (addition of a further attribute) which can only be added after a special approval from the Customer Success Organization.
See below on how to hand in the request for approval and how to proceed.
Activate Qlik Products without Internet access - April 2020 and onwards
Long term offline use for Qlik Sense Signed Licenses
How to send User Assignment log files to Qlik? (Long term offline license activation)
Activating a Qlik GeoAnalytics license using the license tool may display the following warning:
The type initializer for 'Qlik.Sense.Lef.LefParser' threw an exception.
Only LEF licenses are affected. Signed key license keys will apply without a warning.
This warning does not affect any functionality. It refers to an additional check failing, but still applies the license as expected. The warning can be safely ignored.
The defect QB-29901 is, as of the writing of this article, still under investigation.
This document explains the differences between Talend License Levels, and describes important steps that must be completed before lowering your license level with Talend products. Talend offers three different license levels: listed from advanced to basic, they are Master Data Management, Data Management, and Data Integration/ESB. Talend projects, Jobs, and components are not compatible across each of the licenses available, so if you lower a license without first performing the proper steps, the potential for critical problems is high. This document will help you successfully lower your license level with Talend products.
This article is relating to downgrading Talend Data Fabric license to Talend Real-Time Big Data Platform. The difference between the licenses is that the MDM features/user type is removed for RTBDP licenses. If you have a Talend Data Fabric license with any MDM projects, you'll need to proceed with the following steps below.
The license used in Talend Administration Center enables an administrator to create and administer projects and users of different types. You can see what licenses you have available in Talend Administration Center by navigating to the Menu tree > Settings > Licenses.
The example used here will be downgrading from Master Data Management to Data Management. If you are downgrading from Master Data Management or Data Management to Data Integration/ESB, the concept will be the same
You must create new projects inside of Talend Administration Center with the project type of Data Management, or to the level of the license you are downgrading to. To complete this part, you must log into TAC and locate Projects under the Menu tree. Since you are not able to change the project type on an existing project, you may duplicate a project, then select the correct project type. If you are connecting to GIT, verify that the settings and URL are correct under the Advanced Settings after duplicating or creating a new project.
After the new project with the correct license level is created, you will not be able to see the project available in Studio until you provide the users with permissions. Inside of TAC, you will need to locate Project Authorizations under the Menu tree. Here you must choose the new project and provide the users with the desired permissions on the right side. In the Rights column, you can choose to give either Read Only or Read/Write by choosing the icon with the person and pencil. If you have any groups, you will need to choose the tab at the top center Authorization by User/Group to make sure the groups also have the proper permissions.
Log into Talend Administration Center, navigate to the Menu tree, and locate Users. You must lower the users from MDM to DM (or the desired license level) on the right-side panel of each user that is selected. If applicable, you should verify that their GIT user is correct.
During this process, you should keep one user at your current license level until the end of the downgrading project, preferably the admin user.
If you are unable to change the user type, you may not have the proper permissions or the user may still be logged in.
To verify if the user is logged in, check the Users page of Talend Administration Center. You can see which users are logged into the Talend Studio, Talend Data Preparation, and Talend Administration Center. Log them out if needed.
Data Preparation and Talend Data Stewardship will not be covered in depth, but if the user is a Data Preparation or TDS user be sure to check the Data Preparation User box and select their desired roles.
To begin this portion, log in as the user at your current license level, as discussed in the Users section.
When you start up your Studio, be sure to choose the existing projects that have your current license level. If you are doing remote, you can verify the user that you are logging in with, so you know you are entering the correct projects and have proper permissions.
Once you have logged in to your current project, you will need to begin exporting your Jobs into a specified location.
To export a Job:
You will then want to log into the new project, which should be empty and have the license level you will be downgrading to. Once you have logged in to that project, you will need to import the jobs you previously exported.
To import a Job:
Once you have imported your Jobs, you will want to test them in the new project and verify that the components work and are not a part of the higher-level license that you plan to downgrade from. To confirm that your components function properly, review the Component Reference Guide
If you have any schedules, it would be a best practice to verify the Jobs run on the schedulers and any other unique designs you may have implemented.
Once you have verified that your Jobs run successfully on the new license platform, request the downgraded license from your Customer Success Manager.
Qlik NPrinting SLK License cannot be applied or updated after the upgrade.
Licensing fails with:
The Licence Service is not responding. Restart the Qlik NPrinting License service
The Qlik NPrinting log files read:
"errorMessage":"Post \"https://license.qlikcloud.com/v1/definitions/signed\": dial tcp: lookup license.qlikcloud.com: getaddrinfow: This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.","errorType":"LICENSES-InternalServerError","level":"info","logTraceId":"bf71fd0bcf272dd3528824ac4fb5f3a6","statusCode":500
"error":"Post \"https://license.qlikcloud.com/v1/definitions/signed\": context canceled","level":"error","logTraceId":"d7c48ffd76242e3522db613652462ee5","message":"Failed to fetch license definition."
"errorMessage":"Too much time has passed since the last license update","errorType":"LICENSES-OutdatedLicense","level":"info","logTraceId":"e7c3a2cc454f5dc843b68e5bb5e6840c","statusCode":403
This issue is being caused by the license server being unreachable. If the server has internet connectivity, then the likely root cause is a proxy being deployed.
Follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:
When you upgrade the Qlik Nprinting Server, the existing configurations files will be overwritten to default configurations files, and any changes done before the upgrade have to be updated again.
So make sure to take a backup of the Files (Eg: Config) and Folders before performing the upgrade.
Licensing service proxy authentication
Licensing Qlik NPrinting offline
Question I
What is the expiration period for a license token?
90 days. This is not guaranteed though and it may differ among customers.
Also, the 90 days may change in the future, so please check with a license specialist if not certain.
Question II
Can the license validate automatically after renewal?
In the reference below, it mentions that “you may have to validate it manually from the Talend Administration Center web application.". There is a chance that it may not validate automatically, and if that is the case, they would have to manually validate their license.
For more information about How to validate a license after renewal, please refer to Qlik Talend Documentation: validate-license-after-renewal
Question III
What is the URL/port to open to access the Internet and validate the license from TAC?
The URL is not required. The port is 443.
Question Ⅳ
What is the validation token form URL?
You will get the validation token form here:
Qlik Products have generally utilized license keys to enforce license entitlements and use rights. During activation, the licensed entitlement is downloaded to the product in the format of a Licensing Enabler File (LEF). Activation requires internet connectivity to the deployment and is triggered by entering a 16-digit serial number and a corresponding control number. Offline activation is also supported using a manual LEF by copying and pasting a text file into the activation user dialog. Communication is through an http protocol.
Introduced with the February 2019 release[GM1] of Qlik Sense Enterprise, Qlik has developed an alternative process for product activation. There have been several drivers for this change, including a move to an https protocol for a more secure connection between the Customer deployment and Qlik infrastructure. More information follows below.
To allow for Customers to make the decision when to move, Qlik has introduced the use of a Signed License Key to determine which activation method to use. Over time Qlik Licensing Service will replace the current activation process, but for now both methods of activations will work.
As mentioned above, Qlik has added one additional way to activate Qlik products.
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed. JWT’s can be signed using a secret (with the HMAC algorithm) or a public/private key pair using RSA or ECDSA.
Although JWT’s can be encrypted to also provide secrecy between parties, we will focus on signed tokens. Signed tokens can verify the integrity of the claims contained within it, while encrypted tokens hide those claims from other parties. When tokens are signed using public/private key pairs, the signature also certifies that only the party holding the private key is the one that signed it. That is why we refer to this as the Signed License Key.
With the use of a Signed License Key, there are more Product and deployment offers to use.
All of the above is enabled by the use of the Signed License Key. This made possible as the local deployment will sync entitlement data with all deployment’s using the same Signed License Key through an online database, License Backend, hosted by Qlik within Qlik Cloud.
This is initiated by entering a Signed License Key to the Control Panel. The request is performed by the service Licenses using port 443 (https protocol procedures applies).
Signed license Key
Example data |
A Signed License Key based on one of Qlik’s internal keys.
eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImEzMzdhZDE3LTk1ODctNGNhOS05M2I3LTBi MmI5ZTNlOWI0OCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI2MjNhYTlhZi05NTBmLTQ3ZjctOGJmMC1mNGQzOWY0MmQ5N mMiLCJsaWNlbnNlIjoiOTk5OTAwMDAwMDAwMTI1MyJ9.YJqTct2ngqLfl2VP3jxW4RsDNK2MTL-BpJ WnBdIfF5gGbJcX0hc__tfIa2ab5ZrL9h6tsZxTwgucTFiRTAOz8PaOQP7JTnhPCyrBZwpnmhvCrSHx2 C-HbCARFUIueBzMg8fgvWH-3HxBuxx6jnDhekDTUbb12vBq7CySampJkgMT7QsDdUkeJy5E7O0U 8yhd1RtEDeuTbeX35eIdQUN4DyJWHHPiT9qZt1AV0_Ofe1iLKxYZMa5jC0kIsVwYnRCJzibZlrLE7mS VlNitxmcm8OoUrR_ZIk8VuOkoz_qqy8N_wwrt7FcT2slWz50XzuL8TIWY9mcGIL |
Assignment information (what user has what type of access assigned) is synchronized from the license service to license.qlikcloud.com every 10 minutes.
Changes to a license (such as adding additional analyzer capacity) can take up to 24 hours to be retrieved.
Data Element | Comment | Example Data |
Signed License Key | See above | |
Cause | Initial or Update | “Initial” |
User agent | build by the License service version (operating system) and Product (e.g. QSEfW, QCS, QSEfE, QV) | Licenses/1.6.4 (windows) QSEfW |
Data Element | Comment | Sample Data |
License definition | content variable based on product and entitlement | "name": "analyzer_time", "usage": {"class": "time", "minimum": 5}, "provisions": [{ "accessType":"analyzer"} ],"units": [{"count": 200, "valid": "2018-06-01/2018-12-31"}]}, "name": "professional", "usage": { "class": "assigned", "minimum": 1 }, "provisions": [{ "accessType": "professional" }],"units": [{ "count": 10, "valid": "" }]} |
(Time schedule is not disclosed and includes grace time to support outages in the internet connection, a/k/a Optimistic Delegation.)
Data Element | Comment | Sample Data |
Signed License Key |
See above | |
Array Element id | Used for internal match only | 1 |
Allotment name | alternatives are Analyzer_Time, Core_Time | “analyzer_time” |
Year/Month | YYYY-MM | 2018-11 |
Consumption | for this deployment since last sync | 242 |
Source | hashed ID to make each deployment unique, e.g. a Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows and a Qlik Sense Enterprise on Kubernetes will have different Source ID's | fbe89d02-6d24-4595-915e-c52ce76f2195 |
User agent | same construct as for as activation request | Licenses/1.6.4 (windows) QSEfW |
Data Element | Comment | Sample Data |
Total consumption | Used by the Product for enforcement. Deny access will be executed if quota has been exceeded. Quota is set in the LEF. Additional quota for the month could be managed as Overage in the LEF. This would contain an Overage Value (COUNT) or the value YES. Total quota for the month is calculated as licensed quota + Overage quota. If the LEF contains the value YES, there will be no cap on the capacity for the Year/Month. |
12345 |
Data Element | Comment | Sample Data |
Signed License Key | See above | |
Allotment name | Professional / Analyzer | “professional” |
Subject | Domain / User ID; if this an add or delete transaction. By delete the subject will be removed immediately. An internal id will be used to secure sync to other deployments using the same Signed License Key. The internal id will disappear within 60 days after a delete transaction. (This information is stored for all assigned users until such a time that the assignment is deleted at which point it is deleted. The information is used for synchronizing assignments across deployments in order to facilitate the single-license-multi-deployment scenario. It is encrypted in transit and at rest.) |
(For information on how data is submitted and stored in the audit logs see here) |
User agent | Build by the License service version (operating system) and Product (e.g. QSEfW, QCS, QSEfE, QV) | Licenses/1.6.4 (windows) QSEfW |
Source | Hashed ID to make each deployment unique, e.g. a Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows and a Qlik Sense Enterprise on Kubernetes will have different Source ID's | fbe89d02-6d24-4595-915e-c52ce76f2195 |
Sync metadata | Versioning information about the subjects and list of subjects to manage the synchronization process | { "source": "my assignments", "bases": [{ "license": "1234 1234 1234 1234", "version": 0 }], "patches": [{ "instance": "", "version": 0, "license": "1234 1234 1234 1234", "allotment": "analyzer", "subject": \\generated4, "created": "2019-04-18T10:01:35.024031Z" } |
Data Element | Comment | Sample Data |
Signed License Key | See above | |
Subject | Including subjects changed by other deployments | “acme\bob” |
Sync metadata | Versioning information about the subjects and list of subjects to manage the synchronization process | { "bases": [{ "license": "1234 1234 1234 1234", "version": 17 }], "patches": [{ "instance": "5382018630938057025", "version": 14, "license": "1234 1234 1234 1234", "allotment": "analyzer", "subject": ACME\\bob", "created": "2019-04-18T10:01:35.024Z", "rejection": "" }] |
This Reference Guide is intended solely for general informational purposes and its contents do not form part of the product documentation. The information in this guide is subject to change without notice. ALL INFORMATION IN THIS GUIDE IS BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT IS PRESENTED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Qlik makes no commitment to deliver any future functionality and purchasing decisions should not be based upon any future expectation.
Analyzer Capacity Licenses can be assigned automatically based on Analyzer Capacity License Rules. These rules can be set up to provide Analyzer Capacity to users, groups, or anonymous users.
This article covers what function the license type has, how to assign it, and how to track usage.
The Qlik Sense Analyzer Capacity license type is automatically assigned to users not assigned a Professional or Analyzer license and consumes time during an active session with the minimum session length set to 6 minutes.
No setup is required. If no Professional or Analyzer License was assigned, Analyzer Capacity is automatically allocated.
See Enabling dynamic license assignment for details.
The Entitlement Analyzer for Qlik Cloud provides detailed usage data for Analyzer Capacity, but a tenant admin can gain an overview through the Management Console at any time:
The Entitlement Analyzer is only available for Qlik Cloud.
The bundled License Monitoring app provides usage data for Analyzer Capacity, but an administrator can gain an overview through the Qlik Sense Management Console at any time:
Analyzer capacity license and monitoring (Client Managed)
Qlik Licensing Service Reference Guide
Assigning user allocation (Qlik Cloud)
Analyzer capacity license (Qlik Cloud)
Top 5 things to know about modern Qlik Licensing
As a Talend Test Migration License is generated for a period of 60 days (2 months) at a time, how to extend your Talend Test Migration License when it is expiring or already expired in Talend Studio/Talend Administration Center?
Please create a new case in Qlik Customer Support Portal so that our Support can generate a new test migration license for you. As long as there is a current subscription of the account, a test migration license will be provided.
Please keep in mind that a Talend Test Migration License is valid for 60 days(2 months) a time.
If you are looking to obtain a Test Migration license, see How to Request and Utilize a Talend Test Migration License.
If you are looking for Qlik Support Case Portal, see How to contact Qlik Support
When purchased, our Qlik products are delivered with a 16-digit license key (LEF) and/or the Signed License key (SLK). What key is applied may differ depending on your requirements or the version of the product.
These license activation methods cannot be mixed. A license activated with an SLK cannot also be activated using the key + control number method.
In this blog post, we will cover the differences between the two activation methods, as well as what benefits the Signed License key brings to the table. Details on how to activate them will follow in the second post to this short series.
The SLK is mandatory for:
The LEF activation method is currently required for:
Using the Signed License Key makes more product and deployment options available to you.
Examples of these are:
All the above is enabled by the use of the Signed License Key. This is made possible by the local deployment syncing all entitlement data (assigned users access, etc.) with all available deployments sharing the same SLK. The synchronization is done using the Qlik Licensing Services and our license backend hosted in Qlik Cloud.
If you are curious about more information around the Qlik Licensing Service, see the Qlik Licensing Service Reference Guide.
And this is it for an overview of our available license types and activation methods. We’ll follow this up with part two soon, detailing the move from a LEF activated license to an SLK. Until then, give this post a like if you found it helpful! And please let us know if you have any questions or feedback in the comments.
Customer is currently using an EOL (End of Life) Talend version and needs an extension as the license is about to expire.
Please contact your CSM/AE to create an internal request for the EOL license version that needs to be extended. CSM/AE will create an internal ticket (ServiceNow) for this request to be approved internally.
Due to End of Life (“EOL”) Software or Cloud Service Client is not available for sales or support by Talend and does not receive Monthly Releases or Patches, Talend does not guarantee the correction for Third Party software on EOL Software.
At Talend’s discretion, Talend Customer Service may provide support assistance for EOL Software or Cloud Service Client at an agreed upon fee.
#Talend License 7.3 and prior
After license renewal, prior Talend license versions still shows as expiring in a few days. End Date on Prior license versions does not match subscription end date in Subscription page in Talend Cloud. Customer is still using this license version in their local Talend Cloud Studio.
Please reach out to the assigned CSM/AE on the account and inform them on the need to still use this license version. Afterwards, they will submit an internal request (ServiceNow) for this to be active if accepted internally.
Supported version: https://help.talend.com/en-US/customer-support-statements/Cloud/product-end-of-life-planning
This article covers the details of how to license a Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows server with a Signed License Key (SLK).
To apply a Signed License Key, a secure network connection is required to be established: A signed license key requires connectivity to license.qlikcloud.com. See List of IP Addresses behind license.qlikcloud.com and lef.qliktech.com for details.
It can establish in any of the security scenarios below:
All nodes in a Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows on-premise multi node environment need access to the license server.