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For better performance of Talend Runtime Server, you could uninstall Kar files to free up storage space.
This article briefly introuduces How to uninstall kar files from Talend Runtime Server
For command
It is a command used to uninstall a KAR file (identified by a name).
By uninstall, it means that:
For instance, to uninstall the previously installed my-kar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.kar
KAR file:
karaf@root()> kar:uninstall my-kar-1.0-SNAPSHOT
Talend Runtime Server
Please run the following karaf commands to clean Kar files from your Repository
#stop running artifact task
bundle:list |grep -i <artifact-name>
bundle:uninstall <artifact-name | bundle-id>
#clean task kar cache
kar:list |grep -i <artifact-name>
kar:uninstall <artifact-name>
For more information about KAR file, please refer to Apache Content
kar:* commands to manage KAR archives.
Some particular job is always failing with OutOfMemory error when using Cloud Engine.
Cloud Engine has a maximum memory usage of 8GB
If you are also looking for OutOfMemory Error Occurs when executing a job on Remote Engine, please have a look at this article as below:
OutOfMemory Error Occurs When Executing a job on Remote Engine
There are connection and Net Work Slow issues between Talend Cloud and Talend Remote Engine
The following errors are produced in the logs:
org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to pair.**.cloud.talend.com:443 [pair.**.cloud.talend.com/****,
Retry processing request to {s}-> pair.**.cloud.talend.com:443
org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to pair.**.cloud.talend.com:443 [pair.**.cloud.talend.com/****,
pair.**.cloud.talend.com/****, pair.**.
This service is used to communicate the status information for the Remote Engine such as its heartbeats and availability.
org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to pair.**.cloud.talend.com:443 [pair.**.cloud.talend.com/****,pair.**.cloud.talend.com/****, pair.**.cloud.talend.com/****] failed: Connect timed out
Retrying request to {s}->pair.**.cloud.talend.com:443
This service is used to communicate about task runs such as receiving, deploying, or undeploying events, and sending information about task run status and metrics.
Failed to connect to [https://msg.**.cloud.talend.com:443] after: 1 attempt(s) with Failed to perform GET on: https://msg.**.cloud.talend.com:443 as response was: Connect to **** [****] failed: Connection refused: connect, continuing to retry.
# In seconds
to 600# In seconds
There are connection issues and Network slow between Talend Cloud and Talend Remote Engine.
If you access the Internet via a proxy, you need to add the following URLs to your allowlist.
Adding URLs to your proxy and firewall allowlist
There are JVM hanging errors in wrapper.log during job running for Talend Remote Engine Server
JVM appears hung: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.
JVM did not exit on request, terminated
JVM exited in response to signal SIGKILL (9).
Unable to start a JVM
<-- Wrapper Stopped
When the CPU is high (time interval) the jvm exited and also you see JVM hanging errors in wrapper log.
This is because when the jvm is not getting response, the wrapper tries to restart the container and try to recover from the hung behavior.
This article outlines how Qlik NPrinting and Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows consume resources.
Qlik NPrinting interacts with Qlik Sense when a metadata reload or a task execution is started (a report preview or an On-Demand request is essentially the same as a task execution).
For metadata reloads, Qlik NPrinting directly opens a connection with the Qlik Sense Server, and the following actions are performed on the Qlik Sense side:
The resource consumption is mainly on the Qlik Sense side. In particular, opening the app requires RAM, and removing selections/bookmarks/Session Access requires calculations that consume CPU.
When a task is run, Qlik NPrinting connects to the Qlik Sense Server, which performs the following:
This is quite expensive in terms of resources, especially if many filters are present (or Cycles/Levels/Pages) because a filter is essentially a selection on the app and each selection requires calculations and, therefore, CPU usage.
Moreover, Qlik NPrinting is multi-treading. This means that multiple instances of the same app can be opened in Qlik Sense at the same time. This enables Qlik NPrinting to execute the requests of filter applications and table exports in parallel. On the other side, having many applications opened at the same time represents a resource cost for Qlik Sense.
The maximum number of apps that can be opened at the same time equals the number of logical cores on the Qlik NPrinting Engine machine. You have to sum them up if more engines are installed.
The situation is more complex if Session Access is used. In this case, Qlik NPrinting cannot apply all the requests on the apps in the same session. The app must be closed and re-opened for each Qlik NPrinting user, with a high consumption of RAM and CPU on the Sense side. This also loses the possibility to apply many of the Qlik NPrinting optimizations for the report generation.
On the Qlik NPrinting side, some resources are used by the Engine service to keep in memory images, tables, and other values sent by Sense. NPrinting then needs to place these objects correctly on the template. Also, this action is performed by the Qlik NPrinting Engine service and it is more resource-consuming on the Qlik NPrinting side. Generally, we do not expect a problematic consumption in a supported NPrinting environment, unless very heavy and complex reports are generated or many tasks are run at the same time. The main resource request is on the Qlik Sense side.
Does Qlik NPrinting respect the Qlik Sense load balancing rules?
Qlik NPrinting uses the same proxy to connect as an end user. Load balancing rules will be respected.
Out of memory error is found in the Talend Management Center or Remote Engine Logs when executing a job on Remote Engine.
The job is consuming a lot of memory or the JVM Memory allocated to the job or remote engine is not enough to execute.
If you are looking for allocating more memory and OutOfMemory exception from Talend Studio side, please refer to these articles
Why are there multiple IP addresses showing up when using the nslookup command for Talend Cloud URLs like "api.ap.cloud.talend.com"?
nslookup api.ap.cloud.talend.com
Multiple IP addresses show up because Round-Robin DNS is being used. It ensures high availability and distributes traffic among multiple servers.
What is Round-Robin DNS? Optimize Server Load
There are multiple ways to go about finding out the exact process of locking a file and preventing QlikView or Qlik Sense from carrying out a specific operation. This article covers one possible option on a Windows Server Operating Systems, Process Monitor.
For other options and third-party implementations, please contact your Windows administrator.
Common causes for locks are:
The following error is showing for tasks that were hanging in queue:
No engines were available to process this task. You can try to run the task manually now. Run this task during a time when your processors are available.
If you are running too many tasks in parallel, experiencing time out and tasks failed, please consider the following.
Too many tasks are running at the same time, and since the tasks that were in queue timed out, it failed to execute.
On a different note, please also review the steps to clean up the task logs on the Remote Engine
After upgrading to Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows May 2023 (or later), the Qlik Sense Repository Service may cause CPU usage spikes on the central node. In addition, the central Engine node may show an increased average RAM consumption while a high volume of reloads is being executed.
The Qlik Sense System_Repository log file will read:
"API call to Engine service was successful: The retrieved 'StaticByteSize' value for app 'App-GUID' is: 'Size in bytes' bytes."
Default location of log: C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log\Repository\Trace\[Server_Name]_System_Repository.txt
This activity is associated with the ability to see the Base memory size in the Qlik Sense Enterprise Management Console. See Show base memory size of apps in QMC.
The feature to see Base memory size can be disabled. This may require an upgrade and will require downtime as configuration files need to be changed.
Take a backup of your environment before proceeding.
If any issues occur, revert the changes by restoring the backed up files and open a ticket with Support providing the changed versions of repository.exe.config, capabilities.json mentioning this article.
Show base memory size of apps in QMC
Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows May 2023, August 2023, November 2023, February 2024.
QlikView and Qlik Sense files are like ZIP file, as in they are highly compressed. So obtaining an estimate of how much RAM is needed for loading Apps into memory (footprint) is difficult to provide across the board. The expected memory usage associated with the app can also depend on how many users access the app and how much they are used.
An estimate of the RAM needed per app can be built on the below, but for accuracy always test by loading the app into memory and using the Qlik Scalability Tools to obtain a baseline of memory usage for each app as it is accessed by the foreseeable number of users.
Telemetry logging which allows for using the Telemetry Dashboard, is also an available suitable tool.
Since the release of the February 2019 version, Sense System Performance Analyzer monitoring App can be used to determine app footprint as well. Since the release of the June 2018 version, App Metadata Analyzer monitoring App can also be used. However, these last three may not provide the same data as the Scalability Tools.
An alternative is to use a test environment and simply observe RAM usage increases as apps are first opened (footprint), and as number of users accessing the app increase, then as number of operations are performed within the app. The test environment results for observed memory and CPU usage can be recorded as a baseline for the particular app in production, which assists in determining future sizing/scaling needs.
Need direct assistance in evaluating your Qlik Sense and QlikView apps? Qlik's Professional Services are available to assist you.
RAMInitial = SizeOnDisk × FileSizeMultiplier ; this is the initial RAM footprint for any application
FileSizeMultiplier: range between 2-10 (this is a compression* ratio depending on the data contained in the app)
*Compression is based upon the data, and how much we can compress depends upon the homogeneity of the data. The more homogeneous, the more compression Qlik can achieve.
More information on one way of optimizing a document can be found on the Qlik Design Blog: Symbol Tables and Bit-Stuffed Pointers
RAMperUser = RAMinitial × userRAMratio ; this is the RAM per each incremental user
userRAMratio: range between 1% -10%
Total RAM used per app :
TotalRAM = (RAMperUser × Number of users) + RAMinitial
SizeOnDisk = 1 GB
File Size Multiplier 6 (range is from 2 to 10) This is an example value. A value can be obtained by reviewing telemetry (how far does the app expand?) or opening the app in a QlikView or Qlik Sense desktop and measuring the expansion based on how large it grows in memory.
RAMinitial = 1 * 6 = 6 GB
If we take a RAM Ratio per User of 6% then it is 0.06 (range is from 1 to 10)
RAMperUser = 6 x 0.06 = 0.36GB
Then RAM Required for 30 Users
TotalRAM = (RAMperUser × No. users) + RAMinitial
TotalRAM = (0.36 * 30) + 6
TotalRAM = 16.8 GB
It is finally here: The first public iteration of the Log Analysis app. Built with love by Customer First and Support.
"With great power comes great responsibility."
Before you get started, a few notes from the author(s):
01:23 - Log Collector
02:28 - Qlik Sense Services
04:17 - How to load data into the app
05:42 - Troubleshooting poor response times
08:03 - Repository Service Log Level
08:35 - Transactions sheet
12:44 - Troubleshooting Engine crashes
14:00 - Engine Log Level
14:47 - QIX Performance sheets
17:50 - General Log Investigation
20:28 - Where to download the app
20:58 - Q&A: Can you see a log message timeline?
21:38 - Q&A: Is this app supported?
21:51 - Q&A: What apps are there for Cloud?
22:25 - Q&A: Are logs collected from all nodes?
22:45 - Q&A: Where is the latest version?
23:12 - Q&A: Are there NPrinting templates?
23:40 - Q&A: Where to download Qlik Sense Desktop?
24:20 - Q&A: Are log from Archived folder collected?
25:53 - Q&A: User app activity logging?
26:07 - Q&A: How to lower log file size?
26:42 - Q&A: How does the QRS communicate?
28:14 - Q&A: Can this identify a problem chart?
28:52 - Q&A: Will this app be in-product?
29:28 - Q&A: Do you have to use Desktop?
Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows (all modern versions post-Nov 2019)
*It is best used in an isolated environment or via Qlik Sense Desktop. It can be very RAM and CPU intensive.
The information in this article is provided as-is and to be used at own discretion. Depending on tool(s) used, customization(s), and/or other factors ongoing support on the solution below may not be provided by Qlik Support.
Optimizing Performance for Qlik Sense Enterprise - Qlik Community - 1858594
This article provides a list of the best practices for Qlik Sense configuration. It is worth implementing each item, especially for a large environment so that your database can handle the volume of requests coming from all its connected nodes.
For basic information, see Max Connections.
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections (max_connections) to the database. The default value for a single server is 100.
In a multi-node environment, this should be adjusted to the sum of all repository connection pools + 20. By default, this value is 110 per node.
Assuming two nodes and assuming the default value of 110 per node, the value would be 240.
The value of 110 above is a default example. You can further refine the value.
The connection pool for the Qlik Sense Repository is always based on core count on the machine. To date, our advise is to take the core count of your machine and multiply it by five. This will be your max connection pool for the Repository Service for that node.
This should be a factor of CPU cores multiplied by five.
If 90 is higher than that result, leave 90 in place. Never decrease it.
For more information about Database Max Pool Size Connection, see https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Number_Of_Database_Connections
Optimizing Performance for Qlik Sense Enterprise
PostgreSQL: postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf explained
Database connection max pool reached in Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows
Multiple tasks were hanging for hours on Reading (select ) queries due to hanging Commit query operations with SQL Server (MSSQL) database on the same table, necessitating the termination of tasks to release the blockage.
DBA's perspective
The commit query was pending on a customer business table, causing blocking issues as other concurrent read queries on the same table were held up by the blocking commit.
Job design perspective
The audit table-related connection did not have the auto-commit option enabled, leading to long-running commit operations.
TMC task scheduling
Execution triggers were set too close together, causing concurrency issues where multiple tasks attempted to access the same table simultaneously, leading to resource contention.
Job design optimizations
TMC scheduling optimization
Stagger task execution times to run sequentially, reducing concurrency and avoiding race conditions when accessing the same audit table.
Database-side optimization
Set a lock timeout on the database side to prevent prolonged task holding due to locks: SET LOCK_TIMEOUT timeout_period.
SQL Server table hints - WITH (NOLOCK) best practices (sqlshack.com)
Table Hints (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn
For general advice on how to troubleshoot Qlik Replicate latency issues, see Troubleshooting Qlik Replicate Latency and Performance Issues.
If your task shows latency issues, one of the first things to do is to set the logging component performance to trace and run the task you identified for five to 10 minutes and review the resulting task log.
We advise you to:
This will list all available latency information. We can now identify a trend.
Remember, Target latency = Source latency + Handling latency.
[PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 0.00 seconds, Target latency 0.00 seconds, Handling latency 0.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3703)
The source, target, and handling latency are all at 0 seconds.
[PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 7634.89 seconds, Target latency 7634.89 seconds, Handling latency 0.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3793)
[PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 7663.00 seconds, Target latency 7663.00 seconds, Handling latency 0.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3793)
[PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 7690.12 seconds, Target latency 7693.12 seconds, Handling latency 3.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3793)
[PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 7710.25 seconds, Target latency 7723.25 seconds, Handling latency 13.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3793)
The source latency is higher than the handling latency. The key point is to look at handling latency, it must be lower than the source latency.
If the source latency decreases during your monitoring, it is a good sign that the latency will recover; if it increases, review the causes mentioned above and resolve any outstanding source issues. You will want to consider reloading the task.
[PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 2.05 seconds, Target latency 7116.05 seconds, Handling latency 7114.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3793)
[PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 2.77 seconds, Target latency 7150.77 seconds, Handling latency 7148.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3793)
[PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 2.16 seconds, Target latency 7182.16 seconds, Handling latency 7180.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3793)
The target latency is higher than the source latency.
If the target latency continues to increase, consider reloading the task.
Identifying whether or not you are looking at handling latency or target latency can be tricky. When the task has target latency, the queue is blocked, so the handling latency will automatically be higher as well (remember: Target latency = Source latency + Handling latency).
The key point to decide if it is handling latency is to check if there are a lot of swap files saved in the sorter folder inside the task folder of the Qlik Replicate server.
In addition, if the task log shows when the task is resumed, the handling latency increases dramatically from 0 seconds (or a low number) to a much higher value in a very short time. This can then be clearly identified as a handling latency:
2023-05-10T08:21:02:537595 [PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 5.54 seconds, Target latency 5.54 seconds, Handling latency 0.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3788)
2023-05-10T08:21:32:610230 [PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 4.61 seconds, Target latency 55363.61 seconds, Handling latency 55359.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3788)
This log shows handling latency increased from 0 seconds to 55359 seconds after only 30 seconds of a task's runtime. This is because Qlik Replicate will read all the swap files into memory when the task is resumed. In this situation, you need to reload the task or resume the task from a timestamp or stream position.
Users experiencing intermittent errors where the App load will be stuck in initializing for two minutes before advancing and the Hub will display the following error:
Connection lost. Make sure that Qlik Sense is running properly. If your session has timed out due to inactivity, refresh to continue working.
When this issue occurs the behavior will be seen by all users and a restart of the Qlik Sense repository services will restore normal operation (though in some deployments temporarily)
A HAR file or review of the developer tools of the Hub will show the Hub attempting to establish a connection to the qrsData WebSocket and then failing with the error message on the Hub and app load resuming once the WebSocket fails.
Additionally, if the Trace > Audit logs for the Proxy service are set to Debug the following error will be seen:
Connection <Connection_ID> has been transferred to a streaming state to send a single error message <client_IP_address> <host>:4239
Port 4239 is the port used by the qrsData WebSocket.
This behavior was discovered in environments running the Tenable penetration test against the Qlik Sense servers, although this could be caused by other penetration testing software or other code that meets the conditions to cause the behavior.
The error is caused by a combination of timing and error handling in which a large number of bad requests are made without certificates, such that the connection is closed before Qlik Sense finishes validating the request. In this scenario, Qlik Sense does not handle the error gracefully and requires a restart of the Repository service to recover.
The error condition does not come up under normal operations due to how quickly the validation runs but the rapid requests from penetration test can lead to the error condition described.
Qlik will release a fix in a future patch that will allow Qlik Sense to handle this scenario gracefully.
Unless specifically targeting Qlik Sense (including maintenance where applicable), exclude Qlik Sense from penetration tests.
An alternative is a scheduled restart of the Qlik Sense services following the completion of the penetration test.
You have been running Qlik Sense normally for quite some time. Over time you have accumulated an abundance of reload tasks configured in your Qlik Sense QMC.
Recently however, you have noticed that Qlik Sense QMC reload tasks are in the following state:
To resolve the issue, it is recommended to add an additional scheduler node (or nodes) in order to manage the ever increasing number of reload tasks in the affected Qlik Sense environment.
As time goes on, add additional scheduler nodes in proportion to the increasing number of reload tasks added/deployed in your environment.
The existing Qlik Sense scheduler nodes simply cannot manage the additional burden placed upon it by ever increasing reload tasks.
Concurrent Reload Settings in Qlik Sense Enterprise
Qlik Replicate 2023.5.0.284 has been observed to contain a behavior where source and target latency are miscalculated leading to big differences of fluctuating latency estimates. This behavior is resolved in a new patch.
2024-06-11T09:04:24 [PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 184.42 seconds, Target latency 12256.62 seconds, Handling latency 12072.21 seconds (replicationtask.c:3789)
2024-06-11T09:04:54 [PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 214.42 seconds, Target latency 214.42 seconds, Handling latency 0.00 seconds (replicationtask.c:3789)
2024-06-11T09:09:24 [PERFORMANCE ]T: Source latency 484.43 seconds, Target latency 12480.20 seconds, Handling latency 11995.77 seconds (replicationtask.c:3789)
This bug has been resolved in Qlik Replicate 2023.11 Service Pack 04 and Qlik Replicate 2024.05 General Availability release
Reloads with the Qlik Data Gateway begin to slow randomly or sometimes run for three hours before automatically aborting.
The same reloads usually run faster and they can be completed in the right time if relaunched manually or automatically.
The logs do not show specific error messages.
We recommend two actions to resolve the problem.
The first is to activate the process isolation to reduce the number of reloads running at the same time. Please, follow Extending the timeout for load requests.
It is possible to start with a value of 10 for the ODBC|SAPBW|SAPSQL_MAX_PROCESS_COUNT parameter and adjust it after some tests.
The second action is to add the "DISCONNECT" command after every query and to start every new query with a "LIB CONNECT".
This will force the closure and re-creation of the connection every time it is needed.
More information about the DISCONNECT statement can be found in the documentation: Disconnect.
We always recommend keeping Data Gateway on the latest version available.
Different causes can cause this intermittent problem.
In many cases, the system can't handle multiple connections efficiently and this can lead to severe slowness in the data connection. Activating a Process Isolation will help to avoid this.
It is also possible that there is a delay between the connection opening and the query.
A connection for a query can be opened at the beginning of a reload, then kept open for a while and recalled later for another table load in the script.
There may be a disconnection when the connection is not working. This can happen if another connection to the same location is called by a concurrent reload or if a timeout automatically closes the connection.
It is possible to force Data Gateway to recreate the connection using the "DISCONNECT" statement in the script.
Key Split is a performance tuning option within Qlik Gold Client. Introduced in Qlik Gold Client 8.7.3, it is used to control which tables allow for splitting of table content in different Data Flows for export/import. This functionality is triggered when the configured table is a Header table in a Data Type, where it will split the table entries.
The benefit is to allow Gold Client to parallelize the import of data in the same table using multiple jobs, making the import process much faster.
Key Split is to be used carefully and for very specific export/import scenarios, especially when there is a performance issue importing tables on a target system. To maximize the functionality, parallel processing option must be used.
At this moment, some special table type fields like GUID, RAW, STRING, XSTRING, etc. should not be used with Key Split.
There are 4 different types of Key Split options available within Qlik Gold Client:
For a specific range of documents, it will separate the documents by the first alphanumeric digit and create a Container for each of them.
A, B, C, …, 0, 1, 2, …, Special Chars.
Example: B123456789 (this entry will be added with all that start with “B”)
For a specific range of documents, it will separate the documents by the first alphanumeric digit grouping and creating a Container for each of them.
A-C, D-F, G-I, J-L, M-O, P-R, S-U, V-X, Y-Z, 0-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-Special Chars.
Example: B123456789 (this entry will be added with all that start with “A* B* or C*”)
For a specific range of documents, it will separate the documents by the last numeric digit and create a Container for each of them.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Example: 123456789 (this entry will be added with all which last digit is “*9”)
For a specific range of documents, it will separate the documents by the last two numeric digits grouping and creating a Container for each of them.
Group 1: 00-04
Group 2: 05-09
Group 3: 10-14
Group 20: 95-99
Example: 1234567899 (this entry will be added with all which last digits are between “*95- 99”)
This diagram shows the Key Split logic for a set of Materials using the Alphanumeric and Alphanumeric by Grouping options (based on the first alphanumeric value):
This diagram shows the Key Split logic for a set of Materials using the Numeric and Numeric by Grouping options (based on the last numeric digit):
Tables using this logic are configured in the Configuration > Data Framework > Additional Tools > Key Split Config
To activate the key split in Gold Client, it is necessary to provide the Table name, Field name and Key split type. The Active/Inactive flag allows to enable/disable the functionality.
It is possible to deactivate Export Engine functionality to split table exports into multiple files based on keys in the Configuration > Administration > MConfig
Splitting the export of MARA entries based on material Number – MATNR.
In the case of exporting MM – MATERIAL MASTER using Parallel Processing, for a specific range of documents, it will separate the documents by the first digit and create Containers for each of them.
During the import process, this logic will allow the import of data in parallel to MARA table faster.
Qlik Gold Client Sizing Report for table MARA Export with Key Split inactive
Qlik Gold Client Sizing Report for table MARA Export with Key Split Alphanumeric active
Qlik Gold Client Sizing Report for table MARA Export with Key Split Alphanumeric by Grouping active
Splitting the export of ACDOCA entries based on document Number - BELNR.
In the case of exporting FI - FINANCE DOCUMENTS using Parallel Processing, for a specific range of documents, it will separate the documents by the last digit(s) and create Containers for each of them.
During the import process, this logic will allow the import of data in parallel to ACDOCA table faster.
Qlik Gold Client Sizing Report for table ACDOCA Export with Key Split inactive
Qlik Gold Client Sizing Report for table ACDOCA Export with Key Split Numeric active
Qlik Gold Client Sizing Report for table ACDOCA Export with Key Split Numeric by Grouping active
Please refer to the Qlik Gold Client Configuration and Utilities - User Guide for more information.
Thanks to Qlik SAP Solutions Engineer Hugo Martins for drafting this content!