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Contributor II
Contributor II

How do I create nested pages in PPT?

Hi, I want to create a ppt-presentation with a few slides per customer: The first and last slide for each customer should be an overview, while the slide(s) in the middle should be one for each product. Naively, I'd create three slides, with a customer-page ranging from slide 1 to 3, and a product-page on slide 2. This does not work though, with the error message 

"Using field Product outside of its level range is not supported. (Entity: Product)".

Is there a workaround?

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Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @Thomasowich 

Bad news is that there is no way you can achieve something what i will call "nested pages".

You can get all required slides produced, but you will not be able to get them in the right order. This is big feature gap in NPrinting unfortunately and there is no workaround for this i think.

All other answers will give you answer how to cycle through values which are made of multiple fields, but they will not create output like below

  • Customer 1 Opening Slide
    • Product 1 detail
    • Product 2 detail
    • Product 3 detail etc....
  • Customer 1 Summary Slide
  • Customer 2 Opening Slide
    • Product 1 detail
    • Product 2 detail
    • Product 3 detail etc....
  • Customer 2 Summary Slide

Instead all what you can get is

  • Customer 1 Opening Slide
  • Customer 2 Opening Slide
  • Customer XXX opening Slide
  • Customer 1  Product 1 detail
  • Customer 1 Product 2 detail
  • Customer 1 Product 3 detail etc....
  • Customer 2  Product 1 detail
  • Customer 2 Product 2 detail
  • Customer 2 Product 3 detail etc....
  • Customer 1 Summary Slide
  • Customer 2 Summary Slide
  • Customer XXXSummary Slide

Its a shame, but it is what it is - sorry. This seems to be simple, obvious, what everyone would want to have, scenario with intro ... detail... summary etc... but - we cannot do this. @Frank_S  & @Ruggero_Piccoli  correct me if I am wrong on this ( I tried all workarounds I possibly know and nothing was giving me result I needed. 

It is basically missing feature - so I guess you could create an idea to add that feature to PPT template:


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.

View solution in original post

5 Replies


There is not a native, direct feature to create nested Pages in PowerPoint templates. The workaround is to create a straight table with the two fields, customer and product, refresh the connection cache and use the new table instead of the field. Another way could be to create a new field by concatenating the two originals in the reload script. Both workarounds will create a slide for each combination of the fields so you will still have the problem of creating the first and latest summarization slide.

Anothe approach could be to combine cycles and pages. Create a cycle by customer an you will get a different file for each customer. Then in the template add the 3 slides and insert the product field as Page in the second one so only it will be splitter by product and you will be able to create the first and last summarization.

Best Regards,


Best Regards,
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In addition to Ruggero's point, perhaps this too 'might' be what you need for your requirement.


Kind regards...

Please remember hit the 'Like' button and for helpful answers and resolutions, click on the 'Accept As Solution' button. Cheers!
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @Thomasowich 

Bad news is that there is no way you can achieve something what i will call "nested pages".

You can get all required slides produced, but you will not be able to get them in the right order. This is big feature gap in NPrinting unfortunately and there is no workaround for this i think.

All other answers will give you answer how to cycle through values which are made of multiple fields, but they will not create output like below

  • Customer 1 Opening Slide
    • Product 1 detail
    • Product 2 detail
    • Product 3 detail etc....
  • Customer 1 Summary Slide
  • Customer 2 Opening Slide
    • Product 1 detail
    • Product 2 detail
    • Product 3 detail etc....
  • Customer 2 Summary Slide

Instead all what you can get is

  • Customer 1 Opening Slide
  • Customer 2 Opening Slide
  • Customer XXX opening Slide
  • Customer 1  Product 1 detail
  • Customer 1 Product 2 detail
  • Customer 1 Product 3 detail etc....
  • Customer 2  Product 1 detail
  • Customer 2 Product 2 detail
  • Customer 2 Product 3 detail etc....
  • Customer 1 Summary Slide
  • Customer 2 Summary Slide
  • Customer XXXSummary Slide

Its a shame, but it is what it is - sorry. This seems to be simple, obvious, what everyone would want to have, scenario with intro ... detail... summary etc... but - we cannot do this. @Frank_S  & @Ruggero_Piccoli  correct me if I am wrong on this ( I tried all workarounds I possibly know and nothing was giving me result I needed. 

It is basically missing feature - so I guess you could create an idea to add that feature to PPT template:


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.


You're pretty much bang on as usual!

@Ruggero_Piccoli do you agree?

Please remember hit the 'Like' button and for helpful answers and resolutions, click on the 'Accept As Solution' button. Cheers!

Based off Lech's comments (re: nested pages) I will only add one additional point @Thomasowich 

Although the output format will be PDF (or one of the other supported output formats mentioned here: Formats

Pixel perfect 'could' be the workaround you are looking for?


Perhaps using the 'group' header and footer options may allow you to achieve the result you need.

You can take the example above and add more sub-levels as needed and use group headers and footers in each sublevel to organize the elements needed in your report.


It might a bit of a stretch but it's just a thought

Kind regards...

Please remember hit the 'Like' button and for helpful answers and resolutions, click on the 'Accept As Solution' button. Cheers!