Connecting map chart with an on premise Qlik GeoAnalytics Server
From Qlik Sense April 2018, the built-in Map chart can be used with GeoAnalytics Server in an on-premise solution. For this GeoAnalytics Data Package 18.04 or newer is needed.
First, install the data package according the guide including the optional step named "Enable support for Qlik Sense Map" or similar.
Then go to your Qlik Sense installation and point the Sense map to the server by editing the file mapconf.json in C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Client\assets (or similar) and set the URL to the server in the serverUrl property and the key you have chosen during data package installation for Sense map users in serverKey.
Note that every time Qlik Sense is upgraded this file will be overwritten, so it will need to be edited again.
Custom default map background
For all new map charts per site. Edit Qlik\Sense\Client\assets\mapconf.json
Set alternative basemap:
"defaultMap":"pale_mercator" (list of of possible values below)
Set any TMS:
Set attribution:
"defaultAttribution":"copyright me"