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Error after sucessful completion

Hi All,

I am getting following error after every successful completion of reload task.

The task "Reload_Publish_Invoice" failed. Part of the log file follows:

7/20/2010 7:53:13 AM Warning The QlikView Engine isn't responding to close command, it will be killed (Please ignore logged errors about the kill).
7/20/2010 7:53:13 AM Error Could not close the SourceDocument. Exception=System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706BE): The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE)
at QlikView.Doc.CloseDoc()
at QVBWrapper.Document.NiceCloseThread(ILogBucket i_LogBucket)
7/20/2010 7:53:13 AM Error Could not request the QlikView Engine process to quit.. Exception=System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706BA): The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
at QlikView.ApplicationClass.Quit(Int32 _ExitCode)
at QVBWrapper.Document.NiceCloseThread(ILogBucket i_LogBucket)
7/20/2010 7:53:13 AM Error Reload failed. Distribution skipped.
7/20/2010 7:53:13 AM Error The task "Reload_Publish_Invoice" failed. ErrorCount=3

Can anybody help me out.


2 Replies
Not applicable

But according to the log it´s skipping distribution? Are you sure the task is successful?

Not applicable
Author is completed. Actually this is only reload task, distribution(if any) starts only after finishing reload.