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Contributor III
Contributor III

Governance Dashboard 2.0 - Table Not Found

I just installed the app and I'm trying to troubleshoot why it doesn't reload.   I haven't changed anything in the code, but I'm not sure where to go from here.  The below screen shot shows my user paths and the error I am getting.


4 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

Hello Chris,

Check this post Governance 2.0 not loading properly

and this one Gov 2.0.1 General script error.

,KR Koen


Yes, you might be running into an issue with using multiple exclusions.

I would first just put the least amount of "exclusion" in that input box. Meaning, if you want to exclude c:\programdata\qliktech\documents\backups folder, then use "backups" in the exclusion input box rather than the entire file path.

Also, cheburashka‌ posted a nice improvement to the fileScan Sub routine in the load script that is worth investigating if you have multiple exclusion parameters. Gov 2.0.1 General script error

(Note that you need to add "ENDSUB" at the bottom of his script.)


Hi all -  SR2 of Governance Dashboard (2.0.2) has been released which may address your issue - See