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Session License Questions

Hi All -

We've recently started expanding our use of Qlikview and begun setting up session licenses on documents, and I just wanted to make sure I properly understood all of the processes going on. I was reading through the QVS Reference Manual about the Possible Session Timeout and Maximum Inactive Session Time settings.

As I understand it, if the Maximum Session Timeout is set to 5 minutes and User 1 has been inactive for 5 minutes, then their license is automatically put back in the license pool. However, if the Possible Session Timeout is set to 5 minutes and the 5 minute mark has been reached, then User 1's session license is flagged for "possible reuse" but isn't removed from User 1 until User 2 tries to open a document? How is that different than simply removing their license and having User 1 re-acquire a license when they become active again?

Also, is there a way to set up automated notifications to go out to specific users if all of our session licenses are being used at the same time? I've set up an email address for the "email notifications," but that's only for task failures as I understand it.

2 Replies
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Probably it's more frequent that a connected user even idle for 5 mins, start again to browse a document, this is just an assumption.
Unfortunately there's no email advice when your server reach the max session limit, but if you need it, you can use the "Performance.log" generated from QVS for count Doc Sessions and generate an email.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

JSiddoway wrote:How is that different than simply removing their license and having User 1 re-acquire a license when they become active again?

When a session is closed, the user's selection state is lost, which may irritate the user if they return to the document. The two options allow you provide flexibility to users in slow times and effective license utilization when demand is high. A typical setup might be:

Maximum Inactive Session Time: 1800 (30 minutes)

Possible Session Timeout: 300 (5 minutes)

So when there is no demand exceeding your license, users can idle for up to 30 minutes. But during busy periods when demand exceeds your license, user may get timed out somewhere between 5 and 30 minutes.
