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I have noticed that some of the features in my document change when it is deployed on the server and made live online. For example the radio buttons become tick boxes, the colouring and shadow alters and does not look as clean, text in text boxes goes from being single spaced to 1.5/double spaced. I don't have permissions in the server but if anyone can point me in the direction of things i can do in the document or features i can ask our serverside guys to check it would be greatly appreciated.
First of all check your application in Web layout view.
You can make adjustments accordingly.
Weblayout shows how your app will look like in IE plugin....
Thanks for the response.
The webview does not have the changes in it, what I see in webview is not what I see when it is deployed.
I don't have the answer, but I will second what you are saying Bella. I have noticed that things do not look like they should once they are opened in various browsers. Web layout is supposed to help you, though.
Hey Guys,
My two cents.I believe Webview is a simulation of the Ajax client. It may not be accurate in all cases but definitely can be used as a guideline to see how your app will look like when opened through Ajax client .
I think the best way to preserve the look & feel of desktop environment is using IE Plugin. However, you have to consider that some features are not available when using IE plugin:
In the other hand, you can use macros in IE (as opposed to Ajax Client where macros will not work) and in general look & feel will be the same as in desktop.
In case you prefer to use Ajax Client, you have to consider some differences in layout like you said and also other ones like:
Also, someone mentioned webview. It is a simulation of Ajax client, so you can preview extensions or visibility issues like the ones you've already mentioned.
Thank you that clears a lot up, unfortunately I do not have control over what the client views the document in once it is on the web server so I may have to just live with it.
Maybe you can ask the QlikView Administrator to enable both Ajax and IE plugins, so users can use the one of their preference. Another option would be to install QlikView Desktop on you computer and connect to the server through the option "Open in server" so you would be using QlikView Desktop as a client and you'll preserve the look & feel,
Thanks again ... I don't know enough about plugins so i'll have to look into that.
Thank you all for your help, it turns out my issue was the server changing a setting rather and I have found a solution elsewhere on the site.