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Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

how do i set offline mode on bookmarks ? the Ipad dont decect the bookmarks when im downloading for offline mode.


trying to find out where i can how to set the bookmarks offline for the offline sets on the Ipad, i have the offline services on, latest version SR 6 on server and so on. but when i try to download the app to my ipad for offline version it tells me i dont have any bookmarks , i clearly have, since i selected some of them, ( put Bookmark  = True in the server  and offline  = true ) also. any one knows this issue?

The Mandrake
3 Replies
Not applicable

Hi Douglas,

Did you ever resolve this issue?

I'm having the same problem with one of my QVWs. It has around 95 bookmarks in total but none load when I go through the download wizard in the iPad app.

I wonder if there's a limit to the number of bookmarks it can find...



Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

Hi Jack

Apparently the Offline Mode is very limited on memory, that means if the file is too big with the bookmark it wont be saved.   that was my conclusion since bookmarks that consequently reduces the data amount works.


Douglas M

The Mandrake
Not applicable


Yes. That's pretty much the response I got from Qlik. When a document has in excess of 100 bookmarks the app struggles to display them in the download wizard.

We're re-engineering the document to accommodate this.

Thanks for the reply.

