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Calculate time between product changes

I work at a lumber company and I need to calculate the time between Cut Plan changes. Example data is below. What I want to do is calculate the time between changes. For example, I need to subtract 7:05:24 AM from 8:55:35 AM to know how long my Cutplan 3 ran until it changed. Then I would need to subtract 10:47:23 AM from 12:30:10 PM to calculate my Plyblock run. Is this possible?

CutPlan     Date                    Time

Plyblock     10/20/2014          7:00:00 AM

Cutplan3    10/20/2014          7:05:24 AM

Cutplan3    10/20/2014          8:50:48 AM

Cutplan3    10/20/2014          8:55:35 AM

Plyblock     10/20/2014          10:47:23 AM

Plyblock     10/20/2014          11:15:55 AM

Plyblock     10/20/2014          12:30:10 PM

Cutplan 3   10/20/2014          12:50:15 PM

2 Replies

The interval() function allows you to calculate time differences.

Not applicable

you could use the below expression with Cutplan and date in dimension.
