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Chart IF statement for a selected value


I have a requirement to select a year which comes from the front-end and then execute an IF Statement in a chart.

For example when 2018 is selected go and get a particular value or else select 1.

I cannot for the life of me get this working.

This is my year selection:               SIMULATE.Sim_Year = GetFieldSelections(Calendrier.Année)

This is my IF Statement:                 if(Currency ='Local',SIMULATE.Sim_Rate,1)

I want to populate SIM_ Rate based on a year.

I've tried various combinations and I cannot seem to get this to work.

SIMULATE.Sim_Year = '($(=GetFieldSelections(Calendrier.Année))', if( Currency ='Local', SIMULATE.Sim_Rate,1)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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