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Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

Compare multiple tables with N columns/fields

Hi there,

one of our customers wants to compare multiple tables from 6 different tenants. These tables contain some base data and have the same columns. We would like to see, if there are any differences between the base data in these tables.

These tables have a multiple fields (most of them are more than 100+, so writing out every field name and comparing them between the tables for each tenant is not an option)

For example: 

Table A from tenant 1

CodeValue 1Value 2Value 3Value N
1Customer A1001234ABC
2Customer B2004868ABC
3Customer C3001689ABC
4Customer D400168ABC
5Customer  E50019879ABC


Table A from tenant 2

CodeValue 1Value 2Value 3Value N
1Customer A1001234ABC
2Customer B2004868ABC
3Customer C3001689ABC
4Customer D400168ABC
5Customer  E50519879ABC


Customer E has a difference in Value 2 (500 and  505).

The desired result would be a new table that looks like this:

CodeValue 1Result
1Customer AEqual
2Customer BEqual
3Customer CEqual
4Customer DEqual
5Customer  EDifferent


I tried to solve this by iterating through the fields and compare them one by one. But that approach didnt work out so far.

Can someone help me? I appreciate any help!



- The tables should contain the same data, we want to see if there are any differences

- The table columns share the same name!

- The tables have a lot of columns, manually writing a check for every column is not an option. The solution should be a loop or something similar

Labels (3)
1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Are you looking something like this?

    Code, Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, Value 4, Value N
    1, Customer A, 100, 1234, 1234, ABC
    2, Customer B, 200, 4868, 4868, ABC
    3, Customer C, 300, 1689, 1689, ABC
    4, Customer D, 400, 168, 168, ABC
    5, Customer E, 500, 19879, 19879, ABC

    Code, Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, Value 4, Value N
    1, Customer A, 100, 1234, 1234, ABC
    2, Customer B, 200, 4868, 4868, ABC
    3, Customer C, 300, 1689, 1689, ABC
    4, Customer D, 400, 168, 168, ABC
    5, Customer E, 505, 19879, 19879, ABC

CrossTable(Keys, Values)
LOAD  [Value 1]
	 ,[Value 2]
	 ,[Value 3]
	 ,[Value 4]
	 ,[Value N]
Resident tents;

LOAD Code, [Value 1] Resident tents;

Left Join

LOAD * Resident tenX;

LOAD Code, [Value 1], Keys, Count(DISTINCT Values) As Count_Values
Resident tmpTents
Group By Code, [Value 1], Keys;

LOAD Code, [Value 1], If(Count(DISTINCT Count_Values)<>1,'Different','Equal') As Result
Resident tabTents
Group By Code, [Value 1];

Drop Table tents, tenX, tmpTents, tabTents;

View solution in original post

2 Replies

Are you looking something like this?

    Code, Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, Value 4, Value N
    1, Customer A, 100, 1234, 1234, ABC
    2, Customer B, 200, 4868, 4868, ABC
    3, Customer C, 300, 1689, 1689, ABC
    4, Customer D, 400, 168, 168, ABC
    5, Customer E, 500, 19879, 19879, ABC

    Code, Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, Value 4, Value N
    1, Customer A, 100, 1234, 1234, ABC
    2, Customer B, 200, 4868, 4868, ABC
    3, Customer C, 300, 1689, 1689, ABC
    4, Customer D, 400, 168, 168, ABC
    5, Customer E, 505, 19879, 19879, ABC

CrossTable(Keys, Values)
LOAD  [Value 1]
	 ,[Value 2]
	 ,[Value 3]
	 ,[Value 4]
	 ,[Value N]
Resident tents;

LOAD Code, [Value 1] Resident tents;

Left Join

LOAD * Resident tenX;

LOAD Code, [Value 1], Keys, Count(DISTINCT Values) As Count_Values
Resident tmpTents
Group By Code, [Value 1], Keys;

LOAD Code, [Value 1], If(Count(DISTINCT Count_Values)<>1,'Different','Equal') As Result
Resident tabTents
Group By Code, [Value 1];

Drop Table tents, tenX, tmpTents, tabTents;
Former Employee
Former Employee

If Saran's post helped, please be sure to close out your thread by using the Accept as Solution button on his post.  If you figured something else out, please consider posting that and then use the button to mark that post to close the thread.  It is appreciated if you do close your threads.


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I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.