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Comparing FromDate-ToDate with same period last year

Hi there,

I have this expresssion for summing sales in a given period. Im trying to build an expression summing sales in the same From/To date period last year, but it doesnt seem to work out.

This year:

Sum( if( Date >= vKampFromDate AND Date <= vKampToDate, Sales))

Last year:



Thanks in advance

3 Replies

Hi @Selgum 

try like this

Sum( if( Date >= AddYears(vKampFromDate,-1) AND Date <= Addyears(vKampToDate,-1), Sales))

Try with set analysis which is faster.

Sum({<Date ={">= $(=Date(AddYears(vKampFromDate,-1),'YourDateFormat')) <= $(=Date(Addyears(vKampToDate,-1),'YourDateFormat'))"}>} Sales))

Thanks & Regards, Mayil Vahanan R
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Thanks for your quick reply. But either or, seem to do the trick

Former Employee
Former Employee

@Selgum  Likely going to need to attach a sample QVW in this case, so folks can see the data model etc. in order to be sure to get you the correct solution on this one.  If you can attach that, use the @symbol to flag Mayil, as that will ensure he gets notification you posted things.  Sorry I do not have anything better to offer.  You can check around the Design Blog area to see if you can find something there:


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