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Hopefully a quick/little one.. I want to create a chart based on some data for some of our users, and I want to show the top 4 ranked (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th) and show how it may change over time...
Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4
User1 1st 2nd 6th 3rd
User2 2nd 1st 5th 4th
Etc.. etc....
How would I go about this? Im sure ive done something similiar in the past, to set the 'rank' for each of them... you're help is always Appreciated!!!!
Kind Regards,
You can use the Rank function to help you in this case.
Hello Sébastien,
I am using the rank function at the moment, but struggling to only show the top 4 ranked values...
Kind Regards,
I'm not sure if I understand correclty this problem, but you can sort the table by Y axis.
Then you can set the chart to display only the four first (Chart properties Presentation sheet and check only display first ...).
I hope this will help.
Please see my attached screenshot, the expression is rank(value) and the dimensions are date and user.
What I want to achieve tho, is to show just the top 4 ... If I change this in the presentation tab, I can only change the view for the dimensions, not the expression.
You're help is appreciated!
Kind Regards,
In your expression you should try IF(Rank(xxxx) <=4,MyExpression,0)
This will only disply the fourth first ranked ?
Or in Chart properties, Go into PResentation tab and check Max Numbers visible and set the field to 4.