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Export table to file QVD

Hello everyone,

I have a macro that exports a table to file QVD.
Whenever I export it overwrites the previous file.
Has some way to concatenate the data?

sub export_Estoque_Ajuste_Mes

set obj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH19")
set val=ActiveDocument.Fields("Data_Inicial").GetPossibleValues
FUNCIONARIO = val.Item(i).Text
obj.ExportEx "D:\Desenv\ASR_"Data_Inicial".qvd", 4

end sub

3 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

Hi Washington - from the APIGuide.qvw for Member ExportEx, I believe you can just set parameter 3 = True. I've never tried that with a QVD though; let me know if it works.


Not applicable

I did not understand what you meant.

Creator III
Creator III

No problem; it should be as easy as changing the following line to include a third parameter:

obj.ExportEx "D:\Desenv\ASR_"Data_Inicial".qvd", 4 , True

But, unfortunately I just gave this a quick test and it doesn't work with QVD's as I feared. It does work with the text file formats however. I think you'll just need to change the 4 to a different number/format and change the load statement where you're using the QVD as such.
