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Contributor III
Contributor III

FIlters not working

Hi Team,


If i select Fiscal year = FY20 and month = Sep  i should get PO count of 152 and requestor count should be 57.

Can you please help?






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3 Replies

This works if you select from your Month_SPO field rather than your Month_C field as per your list box

Contributor III
Contributor III

I want this based on month-c only as if change the list box other values in the sheet is effected.

Completion % should be 86% if I select fy19 Aug and in flight should be 10 % and overdue should be 4%


Former Employee
Former Employee

Per Lisa's comment, it would seem you have a data model issue, the best I can point you to in that case would be the Design Blog area or maybe Rob W's Cookbook site to see if you can find some further ideas on things there to address what you need.

You may want to have a look at the Master Calendar post as that may be on the right track, not sure though.

Sorry I do not have anything better for you.  My post will kick things back up, so maybe someone else will have another look and have a more direct idea for you too.


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I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.