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Get current User selection of Bookmark Name

Hi @ all,

I have a problem with getting the name of the current bookmark.

is it possible to get the name of the Bookmark wich is selected by User?

Either by macro or QlikView area.

Bellow i explain, why i need the bookmark name:

After the User seleceted a bookmark, I start an export via button. The export is an marco which exports some tables and graphs as png Files. The graphics get saved in a folder. In the path of the folder is now the Name of the User like this,

path= 30_QlikView\Username\graphics". Instead of Username it shoulds stay the name of the selected bookmark.

Thank you for your Help.

1 Reply

As far as I know activating a bookmark only applies selections. No information about the bookmark is tied to the selection state itself. I don't know of any way to retrieve the bookmark name from active selections. What you can try is add a variable and give the variable the name of the bookmark. Then save the bookmark and make sure that the value of the variable is included. You can enable that option when creating (or replacing) the bookmark. The disadvantage is that you will have to create all the bookmarks in advance to make sure you can add the name in the variable and include it in the bookmark.

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