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Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Help with QV Function Survey

I was recently working with a customer developing training curriculum and the question was asked "what expression functions do most developers use". I thought it was a question worth getting a specific answer to. So I'm creating a community project to gather data on what QV functions and features people use.

Please help out by running the attached QVW against your installation's QVWs. The scanner will gather anonymous information and produce a QVD that should be emailed to me per the instructions in the file.

- The scanner runs fast -- about 60 QVWs per minute or better.

- The survey QVD contains only counts of function usage -- such as how many time sum() is used.

- No private information is included in the survey QVD that you return to me. There are no qvw names, no userids, no expressions no fieldnames or data.

- I will make the collected data freely available to the community for analysis.

- I prefer that you run against your production or QA, just to eliminate the extra copies and backups that appear in a dev environment. If you can't scan production, please go for the cleanest directories possible.

Why should you take the time to help me on this?

1. You may gain some insights from the data.

2. I help you out with free tools like Document Analyzer, QVPR Analysis and the QlikViewCookbook. Time to return the favor.

Thanks in advance,


Updated scanner to scan contents of variables for Function names.

Updated scanner to include expressions in text objects.

50 Replies
Not applicable

Would love to help out with this ... analyzer running now and I can't wait to see the results.

How do you want us to get you the data?

Not applicable

Rob, great idea.  But the reload chokes on me...  First on an app with Venn chart, and I removed it, next on a file where I used bit operators, and again on something else.  If I push through the qvd file is very small and contains each function exactly once...

I'll try later again, keeping only the "typical" QVWs.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


When you say "choke", do you mean script error? Can you post the failing document log? (Just the 20 lines or so before the failure).


Not applicable

Yes Rob, script error:

Looks like the "Expressions" table was never created.  I'm attaching the end of the log file.  You'll notice the "invalid character" error - there are dozens of them through the log...

If it doesn't help, I can email you the complete log file using the email address in your app.



PS: It is old QV10.  Maybe I have to try on 11.20?

Not applicable

Upgraded to QV 11.20 SR10 - works fine.  I'll send the QVD shortly.

Edit: Sent

Not applicable

Worked fine for me without any issues.Version 11.20. SR8 64bit. Sent the QVD.

Thanks and Regards


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

I need some translation help. What kind of sheet objects are these?

Swedish: Mosaikdiagram

Spanish: Objeto Marcador



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

I've updated the scanner to look in variables for Function names as well. If you want to rescan and resubmit, feel free. If you don't it's probably not a big deal.


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

So far I've received 38 submissions from 15 countries, representing over 6,500 QVWs. More data is better! Is your country underrepresented?  Bump up your numbers by downloading and running the survey scanner at the top of this thread now!

And why haven't I heard from India?

United Kingdom2
United States20

Thanks to everyone who has submitted so far!