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Creator II
Creator II

How to set max axes to include the reference line

I hope this is not to confusing but I would like to include the formula for the reference line in the Axes.

In the static max input box under the Axes tab would I write this.

Range Max(count(ID),Reference Line formula))

What I would like to know is if the Reference Line formula is already set and so is the expression formula, do I have to write the formula again and is Range Max the correct formula to find the max of 2 formulas.

Could I write Rangemax(Expression name,Reference line name)


2 Replies

I haven't tried it but I don't believe that it will work. I think you will need the whole expresion within the rangemax().

- Marcus


The expression is evaluated in TOTAL context, so count(ID) would not give you the max value across dimension values, but the total count.

If you want to get the max value across dimension values of your chart expression, you probably need something like

=RangeMax( Max( Aggr( Count(ID), YourChartDimension)), ReferenceLineFormula)

With YourChartDimension and ReferenceLineFormula replaced with the dimension field(s) and the reference expression.