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I had this MTD expression working for almost a month and suddenly something went wrong and I am unable to figure it out. May be it is something small that I might be missing here.
This is the expression
Sum({<[Year] = {$(=Year(Today()))},[Month]={$(=Month(Today()))}>}Sales)
It Calculates MTD sales
Logic looks fine. Check the format of the data, make sure that Month(today()) has the same format as field Month.
Or, maybe there are Sales data yet in the current month? It just started...
use below code hope this helps
Sum({<[Year] = {$(=Year(Today()))},[Month]={"<=$(=Month(Today()))"}>}Sales)
Sunil This is not working..
Logic looks fine. Check the format of the data, make sure that Month(today()) has the same format as field Month.
Or, maybe there are Sales data yet in the current month? It just started...
Hi Michael... Thanks for pointing it out. You were right. The feed to my application broke and I had no data for the Month of May. I kept on thinking April and testing that data.
Appreciate your help!!