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Match Vs IntervalMatch

Hello All,

I need to understand if Match and IntervalMatch are the same functions in qlikview.

If not then can you pls explain the difference.



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The match function performs a comparison that is case sensitive.

match( str, expr1 [ , expr2,...exprN ] )

For example:

match( M, 'Jan','Fev','Mar')

returns 2 if M = Fev

returns 0 if M = Apr ou jan


The prefix IntervalMatch extended from one or Select Load command (SQL) is used to combine discrete data with one or more changed dimensions over time. This is a very efficient and flexible resource that can be used to solve problems with slowly changing dimensions, the binding (s) field (s) specific key (s) to the appropriate numeric ranges. The syntax is:

intervalmatch (combcampo, campochave1 [, campochave2, ... campochave5]) (comandoload | comandoselect)

combcampo is the field that contains numeric values ​​to be linked to discrete intervals.

field (s) are key fields that contain the attributes to be combined using the range.

comandoload or comandoselect should result in a table where the first two fields contain the lower and upper limits of each interval and the third (and also the following fields) contains the (s) field (s) present (s) in charge IntervalMatch. The intervals are always closed, that is, always contain endpoints. The non-numeric limits cause the range to be disregarded (undefined) while extending the range limits indefinitely NULL (unlimited). The intervals may be overlapping and values ​​will be bound by all corresponding intervals.

To prevent undefined interval limits are disregarded, you must allow NULL values ​​are mapped to other fields that constitute the lower or upper limit on the range. This can be accomplished with the command NullAsValue.

Before IntervalMatch command, the field containing discrete data points (Date in the following example) have already been read into QlikView. The command itself IntervalMatchnão read this field from the table of the database.


Inner Join IntervalMatch (Date, Key) Load PrimeiraData, ÚltData, Key resident Key;

ps.:  The above text is the HELP QlikView.