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Multiple table selections Conditional

Hi everybody,

  I have two multiple selection TIPO and UNIDAD

  When you select a TIPO, there are only two or three UNIDADEs you can choose. It depends of the TIPO.

What I need is that if you select more than one TIPO you only can choose between PESOS and EUROS in the UNIDADES Multiple Selection. How in the namy of Messi and the Pope can I do this?

Thanks in advance!

Sin título.jpg

13 Replies

Not sure I understand, can you share a sample?

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Yes, look at the photos above I have pasted.

For example, if you choose  PT in TIPO.. you only can choose beetwen EUROS, UOM, CAJAS and PESOS in UNIDAD.

If you select ME in TIPO.. you only can choose  choose beetwen EUROS, UOM and PESOS in UNIDAD.

What I need is that if you select MORE than ONE diferents TIPOS (for example: MP and PT) the ony UNIDADES avalilables are PESOS and EUROS. No matters if you choose 2 or all the TIPOS if there are more than one, you only can choose from EUROS and PESOS.


You could try to implement a relation between those fields in and-mode:


AND and OR

or you need expression-filters for those multibox-fields. I'm not sure how these conditions look like and if simple expressions are enough or if you need advanced and/or nested expressions with an aggr, maybe something like this:

if(Count({< Unidad = p(Unidad)>} Tipo) > 0, Unidad)

- Marcus


In addition here a (not) quite similar case but it might give some ideas: Re: Regarding Avg.

- Marcus

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Hi Marcus,

I understand the AND-OR Mode, but I think it is not enought.

The problem I have is that all of theses  TIPOS have in comon this UNIDAD : PESOS, EUROS and UOM.
What I need is that when you select TWO TIPOS, the  only UNIDAD posible be PESOS and EUROS but NOT UOM.

I have a very poor english, please, let me know If you could understand me.

Thanks a lot in advance!


Here a small example of such a filter-expression.

- Marcus

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Marcus, Genius !!!

I use some of the data you gave me.

I was trying to solve this using a Multiple Selection Object. When I use the list box I can use expresion.
So I do this

=if(GetSelectedCount(Tipo)>1 ,if( todo=1,UM ), UM)

If the user select more than one TIPO, they only can see the UM where the field TODO is 1. I  previusly create that field and insert a 1 in PESOS and EUROS and 0 to the others UM.

But If the user only select 1 TIPO he can select all the UM for these TIPO.

Thanks a lot!!

Not applicable

Sorry Marcus,

But I  realised my solution does not work at all.

When you select 2 or more  TIPOs my filter shows whats it has to shows you (only PESOS and EUROS). But when select from my filter PESOS or EUROS automatically select ALL from TIPOS.

I do not understand what is happening here.

my filter is a List Table with this code.

=if($(vTiposCount) = 0, UM,

    if($(vTiposCount) = Todo,UM))

I do not know how  to add an example here.

Can yo give some help please ???

In my list


If you clicked on answer you could change the editor-mode on the top-right from answer-window and there you will find on the bottom-right the possibility to attach a file.

- Marcus