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Creator III
Creator III

Need help with refresh/reload data automatically in qlikview desktop

I want to reload a qvd MO_PURCH_SOUNDING_CORRECTION_VIEW.qvd   from database because the qvd contains instance but not updated data each time I reload.

What i understood is: I have to do the following steps:

1) ReloadME.QVW is under C:\Temp folder 

Here my qvd is in the shared network: \\ww.hl.lan\HH1\Groups\RHH0T432 - ROB project\14 - QlikView\COMPASS BIAC\RoB - QDF structure 01\QlikViewStorage\SourceDocuments\10.Operations\3.Remaining On Board\2.QVD

So I dont know how to replace C:\Temp folder  with the shared location


2) Qlikview's executable file (i.e. QV.EXE) is under C:\Program Files\QlikView folder

Secondly, how to create qv.exe file.Should it contain macros ?


1) Create a bat file with the following lines and name it ReloadMe.bat

       cd C:\Program Files\QlikView

       qv.exe /r C:\Temp\test.qvw

How can I change it for my codes?

1 Reply

"c:\program files\qlikview\qv.exe" /r "c:\temp\reloadme.qvw"

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