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Printing sparklines

I have a table with a sparkline minichart in it.  When printing to a pdf, it does not render the sparkline well.  It’s barely readable.  I’ve already changed the sparkline color from the default gray to black but this has not helped.

Does anyone know of a way to get sparklines to print so that they are readable?  Also, is there a particular PDF writer that may do a better job with this?  I've seen a few other posts on this topic but haven't found a solution.


2 Replies
Contributor III
Contributor III


I am in the same situation.
Have you found a solution to the problem?


Not applicable

I'm experiencing the same issue. Spark line is so light even when I made it black instead of grey.

However there is one more possible way to increase visibility of spark line:

1. Create copy of table with sparkline and make table background transparent and sparkline cell background transparent too.

2. In report editor add main table first and then on top of it add 3 copies of newly created table with the same width, height and stretch type but with offset. for example if in report editor main table has position Left=10, top=50, then 3 tables on top should have coordinates (10,51), (11,50), (11,50)

Make sure that in report editor newly added tables have greater z index than previous one.

You can also play with line color and transparency of cells to achieve result you need.

I know it's quite a pain to implement and even bigger pain to support such workaround.