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Hi can any body pls tell me how to find the rank top 5 sales products having different sales amount.
if sum(sales) in data is same for two products then these are grouped tp gether as one.remaing next sum(sales) we have to count.
Mahesh T
Depending on your requirements there are different solutions.
If you want just a table with top 5 products and their sales use dimension limits.
There is also rank() function. So you can use it in expressions or calculated dimensions for more complex cases.
if two Products sales are same the accordig to requirment it should be groped suppose both having 3rd ranl then thes values as 3rd rank 4th one another one has to select next product value having next highest
different ways to find top performers: community.qlik.com/docs/DOC-5187
interesting discussion on the rank() function Simple Rank() question
As I have already said you can use rank() function.
=aggr(rank(Sum(amount)), Products)
It gives one row for two products if sales are same.
In a table:
Create a calculated dimension:
=Aggr(If(Rank(Sum([Sales]))<=5, Product, 'Others'), Product)
Your expression will just be Sum(Sales)
In a list Box, create an expression:
= Aggr(If(Rank(Sum(Sales)) <= 5, Product), Product)
And you need to sort this express by Sum(Sales) if you to order the products (the above expression only selects, it does not sort)
Take a look at this.