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Show text string with set analysis in an expression

Hello all,

I would like to show text string in an expression applying set analysis. The formula would be:

Only({<USERID = {'$(=QVUser())'}>} Action_comment8D)

The purpose is I have linked regions and USERID, so when the user logs in only data from his región appears. In this case I want to show the information through tables, and since an table object doesnt allow me to use set analysis, I am using pivot table. But the problem is that the field Action_comment8D is a text and I want it to show for every row. With function Only those rows with same comments returns me a null field and using a Maxstring function, those rows with different comments, returns me only the one with máximum number of strings.

Do you know if there is another function or way to represent it?

Thank you in advance.

2 Replies
Not applicable

Try to use straight table


Can you share a sample of your data for this?

I'm a bit confused about exactly what and what is not showing for you!