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Using information from one object in another

Hi all,

I have created a balance sheet and an income statement through pivot charts in qlikview. The next order of work is to create risk ratios, such as liquid asset ratio and others.

My question is how can i use the calculated information from the balance sheet/income statement to create a calculated ratios table. I need to be able to use the information in the banlance sheet without having to recalculate anything.

Is this possible?

2 Replies
Creator II
Creator II

Hi Msadrikhch,

try out this-

go to dimensions and then click on add calculated dimension, write your expression over there in the window...give it a name and now will be able use it with ease without re calculating anything. Try it out and i hope it will work fine

Not applicable

Hi Gaurav,

it doesnt work

i'll expand on my question......

i have created a balace sheet which has calculated expressions

however when i try to calculate ratios using the information i will have to enter the same expression that i have entered in the balance sheet so this way i will be recalculating

for example i have calculated cash and bank balances on my assets side & bank loans on my liabilities side, and are totalled using partial sums

now if i want a liquid asset ratio which will be calculated as cash and bank balances / bank loans then i will have to enter the entire formula/expression that i have previously used in the balance sheet.

so if have used smthing as sum({$<HISTORY.VALUE = {"<=$(=ONLY(DATE_ONE))"}>}if( LEDGE. >10 and LEDGE<=99, HISTORY.AMOUNT))

to calculate cash and bank balances i will have to use it again as expression when calculating the ratio. and the number of columns or expressions will increase