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Creator II
Creator II

Variable value to number format

Hi all,

I am creating a variable as LET vMaxRowCount  = POW(2,20) which gives 1048576 max number rows in excel. , I am using the variable in a table to restrict max number rows to display and in the error message, I am applying the variable to display a message to make a selection to reduce rows less than VMaxRowCount which displays 1048576. how do I change this to number format like 1,048,576? is that possible to convert the variable value to number format? 

Thank you in advance.

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1 Solution

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Contributor III
Contributor III

2 Replies
Contributor III
Contributor III

=num(vMaxRowCount , '#,##0',  '.'  ,  ',' )

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Creator II
Creator II

Thank you, this works for me.