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Contributor II
Contributor II

column values based on selection

hi all,

i have seen in QLik sense, when you can based on value click, and get different values in table columns.

i try to do that in QLikview

so idea is simple, like, i have few columns in table, but sometimes i would like to see only Liters  columns, sometimes only gross.

for this i do load inline few values

and instead of expression  =sum(Liters)

i would like to have something = sum ( selection from choice table) (assuming that only  selection is done in


1 Solution

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2 Replies
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Contributor II
Contributor II


means, the way i have found, that in pivot table I'm making like 1-4 columns (in real it will be ~10) and then making conditional to show or not - that;s the way.

only i used few dimensions single load inline, and your example is super, all values in one table.

improves my findings .

thanks !