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osuser() display nothing when user login from browser


I need to know the NTName when users login from their own brower, so I added a text object to display OsUser() in my dashboard.

It works when I login to server where QVW files resides; but when other users login from their own browers, the text object shows empty! Can anyone tell me how is that? Much appreciated!

9 Replies

Does your statement include the domain name, a la, =osuser()='DOMAIN_NAME\os_username' with the domain name in caps?


Not applicable

Hi John,

Thanks for your reply.

Not sure I understand your question. I am just trying to display OsUser() in text obj.

Why do I need Domain, os_username?


Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

It is important that the users browser supports integrated security. And the users have to be logged in to the same Windows domain that the QlikView Server and AccessPoint is on - or there has to be a trust between the domains. If not they should be able to provide UserID and Password when they access the AccessPoint.

Which browser and versions are your users using?


Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

If users log in from their browser, and the top right corner of the AP landing page shows their username ("Welcome DDDD\nnnnn"), then OSUser() should display/return that username as well.

Not applicable

Thanks for your reply, Petter.

Are you suggesting to get osUser() function works, user has to login to the same domain that QV server is on, and user machine has to support integrated security?

I will have to ask my client, and I will update the status.

- Vivien

Not applicable

Thanks! Peter.

Currently, osUser() does not display anything when user login from their own browser.

- Vivien


Hi Vivien,

I really don't know the "why" about it, but I had to use that format to get a message such as "Hello johnca". But without the domain it returned nothing. And it had to be in uppercase. Lowercase also returned nothing.

I further enhanced my own message to display the full name of the user by utilizing some AD query info, but that is a whole other topic.


Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

What does the landing page display in the top right corner, after the user logs in using the browser (probably a different login/domain than used on his/her Windows machine)? This may be caused by something that has nothing to do with OSUser() or the published document, but by a QVS configuration setting. Or a bug.

I did a test using the document in attachment.

In the QV Desktop (QlikView mode, not webview), I see this:

Show OSUser thread196383.jpg

On the AP landing page I see this:

Show OSUser AccessPoint LP thread196383.jpg

In the AP document (Ajax IE11) I see this:

Show OSUser Ajax IE11 thread196383.jpg

In the AP document (Ajax Chrome) I see this:

Show OSUser Ajax Chrome46 thread196383.jpg

I'm sorry but at the moment I don't have a server at my disposal that is running in a different domain from mine, to check what happens if I log in using a browser login dialog.

I'm running 11.20SR6 (QVS) on my device. Can you tell us what server version you're running? And try the different checks in your own environment?

