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Hi Guys,
Bit of a technical question.
I need my chart to show certain values when they are null
I have 5 items
Only some [Shops] have these items.
In [Reporting period] only some of these items have been sold depending on time.
I want when i filter down to show all the null values that are assoicated to each shop and Reporting Period
For example: London shop only sells Tshirts and Jeans. Birmingham shop sells Shoes and accessories.
If i filter on London I want to see all the items that did not sell, The 0s basically.
I have been able to achieve what I want when I filter on shop but not on Reporting period.
Sum({<Shop+={' '}>}[Item])
Is there a way to add in reporting period? To make the result dynamic to the two filters? ([Shop], [Reporting Period])
Would you be able to share few rows of sample data and let us know what is the expected output you are looking to get with or without selection in reporting period?