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Hi to all!!!
From SAP I´m getting numbers as tex in the next format and I need to convert them into a number. On the final image an example.
On the next lines a couple of examples and the result that I´m looking for:
Original text= 1.246.861 / Result 1246861
Original text= 193.536- / Result -193536
Original text= 6,00- / Result -6
Any ideas?
if( RIGHT(TEXT, 1 ) = '-' , num#( SubField(TEXT, '-' , 1) , '#.###', ',' , '.') , num#( TEXT , '#.###', ',' , '.') )
try use NUM#() FUNTION,
if( RIGHT(TEXT, 1 ) = '-' , num#( SubField(TEXT, '-' , 1) , '#.###', '.' , ',') , num#( TEXT , '#.###', '.' , ',') )
Marco hi
I just aply your formula and it converts a 7.500 (original format) = seven thousand five hundred into 7.5 seven point five. If it´s possible I will like to conver it into 7500.
Is this possible?
Like this:
num(money#([Volumen ventas],'#.##0,00;#.##0,00-', ',', '.'),'0')
num(money#([Costo de ventas]','#.##0;#.##0-'),'0')
num(num#([Ingresos],'0', ',', '.') )
if( RIGHT(TEXT, 1 ) = '-' , num#( SubField(TEXT, '-' , 1) , '#.###', ',' , '.') , num#( TEXT , '#.###', ',' , '.') )
Marcos Thank you very Much!!!!!
yes, it is that the value that is entered is a string of characters (text type), but for the sum you need to pass it to number, also the final character is the one that decides if it is negative or not. it is true the correction you mention, you need to multiply by -1 in the case that it is negative. thank you for the correction. Regards!!!