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Hello -
I have the following table:
ID | Start Date | active_date | Contact Date |
4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f | 6/20/2013 | 5/24/2018 | 2/10/2018 |
4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f | 6/20/2013 | 5/24/2018 | 3/17/2018 |
4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f | 6/20/2013 | 5/24/2018 | 3/31/2018 |
I want to figure out how many times a contact occured before/after the start/active dates.
I have the following script
sum(if("Contact Date" <= [Start Date],1,0)) as calls_before,
sum(if("Contact Date" > [Start Date] and "Contact Date" < "active_date",1,0)) as calls_after,
sum(if("Contact Date" > date("active_date"),1,0)) as calls_after_discharge,
count("Contact Date") as total_calls
resident res_contacts
group by "ID";
My expectation would be I would get a single row like this
ID | calls_before | calls_after | calls_after_discharge | total_calls |
4e1205d9-4 !39a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f | 0 | 3 | 0 | 3 |
However, what I get is
ID | calls_before | calls_after | calls_after_discharge | total_calls |
4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f | 0 | 9 | 0 | 9 |
I'm coming from a SQL background so this grouping behavior doesn't make sense to me. I've made sure there is not assoications or linkings inside the application to make sure I'm not getting a cartesian product. Even in Data Manager it shows the wrong values.
The last grouping doesn't removes duplicates because you are doing a count of a field that has a value, so all rows will be counted, duplicated or not...
Before group by:
UniqueID, Contact Date
1, 01/01/0217
1, 01/01/0217
1, 01/01/0217
After group by:
UniqueID, Total_calls
1, 3
There are 3 rows to counts, doesn't matter if they have the same values, if you do a count the result is '3', maybe counting different UniqueId with:
Count(Distinct UniqueID&[Contact Date]) as total_calls
If you want to achieve this in the script, below is a solution. No doubt there is a more elegant way to get the same result, but it's late here and I should sleep 😉
load * inline [
ID, Start Date, active_date, Contact Date
4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f, 6/20/2013, 5/24/2018, 2/10/2018,
4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f, 6/20/2013, 5/24/2018, 3/17/2018,
4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f, 6/20/2013, 5/24/2018, 3/31/2018
only(active_date) as active_date,
only([Start Date]) as [Start Date]
Resident TEMP group by ID;
left join(FINAL)
Count([Contact Date]) as calls_before
resident TEMP
where [Contact Date]<=[Start Date]
group by ID;
left join(FINAL)
Count([Contact Date]) as calls_after
resident TEMP
where [Contact Date]>=[Start Date] and [Contact Date]<=active_date
group by ID;
left join(FINAL)
Count([Contact Date]) as calls_afterDischarge
resident TEMP
where [Contact Date]>=active_date
group by ID;
drop table TEMP;
exit script;
Not a solution, but with qlik, you might not want to pre-aggregate/cube data like this in your script. Generally, such things are done in the UI.
BUT, if I had to do it, I would do something like this. It appears that with the test data, that I'm getting the expected values.
Date(Date#(start_date_text,'M/DD/YYYY')) AS 'start_date',
Date(Date#(active_date_text,'M/DD/YYYY')) AS 'active_date',
Date(Date#(contact_date_text,'M/DD/YYYY')) AS 'contact_date'
LOAD * Inline
'ID', 'start_date_text', 'active_date_text', 'contact_date_text'
'4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f', '6/20/2013', '5/24/2018', '2/10/2018'
'4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f', '6/20/2013', '5/24/2018', '3/17/2018'
'4e1205d9-439a-48d2-bf86-49c9d413652f', '6/20/2013', '5/24/2018', '3/31/2018'
SUM( If( contact_date < start_date, 1 , 0 )) AS 'calls_before',
SUM( If( contact_date > start_date and contact_date < active_date, 1 , 0 )) AS 'calls_after',
SUM( If( contact_date > active_date, 1 , 0 )) AS 'calls_after_discharge',
Count(contact_date) AS 'total_calls'
Resident Chughes
EXIT Script
Are you absolutely positive that your quotes and so forth are acting correctly?
Hope this helps.
Hi -
This is currently what I'm doing actually. The pre-aggregation in the script.
I'm baffled how you are getting a different value... Just for giggles I copied your exact code into my app and I still get 9.
Perhaps your raw data are duplicated ?
Add a Rowno() as ID in your table to check you source table
This is what is confusing me. Shouldn't the group by ID resolve that? Or does Qlik do some kind of joining or processing that I'm not understanding
The table "final_contacts" is where I'm getting the duplicate values. What seems to be happening is the detail records in program_data seem to be causing duplicates.
I'm about to just import these CSV files into SQL and write the query I know will work. But I'm stubborn and want to learn how the joins in QLIK work.
There are no tables loaded in the GUI/Data manager. Everything is loaded via the script
Here is my code:
"Full Name - First Name First",
"First Name",
"Last Name",
"Unique ID"
FROM program_data.csv;
"Program Name",
"Program Timeline Date",
"Program Timeline Active Status",
"Program Current Status",
"Program Timeline Status Description",
"Unique ID"
FROM program_data.csv
"Contact Date",
"Unique ID"
FROM cpm_contacts.csv
date(min("Program Timeline Date")) as [Start Date],
if(WildMatch(Firstsortedvalue(DISTINCT [Program Timeline Status Description],[Program Timeline Date]),'Pending Enrollment','Inactive')
and WildMatch(Firstsortedvalue(DISTINCT [Program Timeline Status Description],-[Program Timeline Date]),'Pending Enrollment','Inactive'),'Never Active','Was Active') as CPM_Involved,
date(if(wildmatch(Firstsortedvalue(DISTINCT [Program Timeline Status Description],-[Program Timeline Date]),'Active'),date(now()),date(max([Program Timeline Date])))) as active_date,
"Unique ID"
resident Program_Data
group by "Unique ID";
"Unique ID",
date#(min("Program Timeline Date")) as [Start Date],
if(WildMatch(Firstsortedvalue(DISTINCT [Program Timeline Status Description],[Program Timeline Date]),'Pending Enrollment','Inactive')
and WildMatch(Firstsortedvalue(DISTINCT [Program Timeline Status Description],-[Program Timeline Date]),'Pending Enrollment','Inactive'),'Never Active','Was Active') as CPM_Involved,
date#(if(wildmatch(Firstsortedvalue(DISTINCT [Program Timeline Status Description],-[Program Timeline Date]),'Active'),date(now()),date(max([Program Timeline Date])))) as active_date
Resident Program_Data
group by "Unique ID";
left join(res_contacts)
LOAD "Unique ID",
"Contact Date"
Resident Person_Contacts;
"Unique ID",
sum(if("Contact Date" <= [Start Date],1,0)) as calls_before,
sum(if("Contact Date" > [Start Date] and "Contact Date" < "active_date",1,0)) as calls_after,
sum(if("Contact Date" > date("active_date"),1,0)) as calls_after_discharge,
count("Contact Date") as total_calls
resident res_contacts
group by "Unique ID";
Drop Table res_contacts;
Hi Chris, Person_Contacts or Program_Data has more than one row for a UniqueId it wil cause duplicates in the left join of rec_contacts.
Possible solutions can be:
- Create a concatenated key to have an unique id per person-program (it it's any data that needs to keep the differences)
- Use applymap instead of join
- Do a group by or load distinct before Final_Contacts to remove duplicates
- ... Knowing what you want to do and the data behind more solutions are possible
Thank you very much for your response. I thought that's what I was doing with the group by. So how can I compare contact_date for a person as I'm trying to do in final contacts without having duplicates? Seems the grouping I have already in final contacts would accomplish this
The last grouping doesn't removes duplicates because you are doing a count of a field that has a value, so all rows will be counted, duplicated or not...
Before group by:
UniqueID, Contact Date
1, 01/01/0217
1, 01/01/0217
1, 01/01/0217
After group by:
UniqueID, Total_calls
1, 3
There are 3 rows to counts, doesn't matter if they have the same values, if you do a count the result is '3', maybe counting different UniqueId with:
Count(Distinct UniqueID&[Contact Date]) as total_calls