Hi community!
I'm sure this is simple in Sense (I have desktop June 2017 version) but can't seem to get it to work - I simply need to assign people to 10 year age groups based on an "Age" that I created based on birth date. I have "Age" as a master item dimension and measure as well as a variable since I wasn't sure what was best to use.
I've tried creating:
a new dimension based on: Class(Age_Dimension,10)
a new measure: Replace(Class(Age,10),'<= x <', '-')
I've added these to tables - is not "invalid" but no data displayed
I've added these to pie charts - same thing, not invalid but no data
I'd like to get a chart (could be bar, pie, table, etc.) that shows # of people (PATID) in each 10 year age band.
I think I'm just missing something simple - any insight is appreciated!