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I need assistance to find out how to implement year/month sequence into my formula. To can see month by month on my combo chart. Or should I just use some formula in sorting ?
=Year([Date Buyer Hold])&'-'&Month([Date Buyer Hold])
Thank you in advance
You could sort just on [Date Buyer Hold] and that should work
Hi @Maciej29
You can try doing something similar to the autocalendar function. Use the following as your dimension:
Date(MonthStart([Date Buyer Hold]),'YYYY-MMM')
Hope it helps.
Hi Mauritz_SA,
It's not working, cause after your change, months have changed into simple dates.
Hi @Maciej29
Is your date being seen as a date? I just tried it with an app that I'm working on and it worked perfectly:
Date(MonthStart([Transaction Timestamp]),'YYYY-MMM')
gives me
You could sort just on [Date Buyer Hold] and that should work
Mauritz_SA ,
It could work but with both measure were dates. Second one is just umber of days.
I think i've found out solution.
Even though, really appreciate your support. You gave me couple, simple tips which i'm going to use in the future.
I've sorted by Buyer Hold, but i've added also before function Min() and it's works.
Min([Date Buyer Hold])
Thank you