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How to use custom colours in a stacked bar chart

Hi there,

I am struggling to colour a stacked bar chart in custom colours. If you take belows chart as an example, I would like to e.g. replace the green with black, the purple with turquoise etc.

This example chart is auto-colour by QlikSense in the multicolored>12 colors mode.

stacked-bar chart.PNG

I defined my custom colours as e.g. "kGreen", "kBlue" and usually use nested if-expressions to custom-colour my charts.

With the stacked bar chart, however, the issue is that my six different measures are six columns of the same facts table and the if-statements don't work.

Thank you very much for your help!

28 Replies
Master II
Master II

Hi David,

This should be an easy way to achieve this.Capture.PNG

Find the sample qvf attached.

- Sangram

Not applicable


I am struggling with a "problem" in Qlikview Could someone help me please ?

I have created a stacked bar chart. 2 expressions and 2 dimensions, one is year-month and one is calculated (3 VALUES, 'achieved', 'justmissed' and 'missed'). I would like to display 'achieved' in green, 'justmissed' in yellow and 'missed' in red.

To achieve this, I have created 2 variables:

  1. vBenchLabel that returns 'Achieved', 'Just Missed', or 'Missed'
  2. vBenchColor=pick(match($(vBenchLabel),'Missed','Just Missed','Achieved'),lightred(),yellow(),lightgreen())

and the definition back ground color of the first expression is $(vBenchColor)

BUT the 3 segments are RED.

thank you very much


Master II
Master II

Hi Nasser,

Use these expressions:

Dimension 1: year-month

Dimension  2: valuelist( 'achieved', 'justmissed' and 'missed')

Measure : if(valuelist( 'achieved', 'justmissed' and 'missed') = 'achived',<expression1>,

               if(valuelist( 'achieved', 'justmissed' and 'missed') = 'justmissed',<expression2>,

               if(valuelist( 'achieved', 'justmissed' and 'missed') = 'missed',<expression3> )))

Colour Expression:

               if(valuelist( 'achieved', 'justmissed' and 'missed') = 'achived',lightgreen(),

               if(valuelist( 'achieved', 'justmissed' and 'missed') = 'justmissed',yellow(),

               if(valuelist( 'achieved', 'justmissed' and 'missed') = 'missed',lightred() )))

Not applicable

Hi Sangram,

thank you very much for you quick answer.

I am trying to implement your solution but I don't know what is the expression1, expression2, expression3 in the measure.

I have 2 measures

  1. count(action) / count(action TOTAL year) ==> percentage used for the size of each stacked segment
  2. count(action)==>used to display the number of action

so what do you mean about expression1, expression2, expression3 ?

Many thanks

Master II
Master II

Hi Nasser,

Is it possible to attach a sample qvf so it will be easier to explain?



Master II
Master II

One more thing,

Am I right that the values in the field action is as follows:



'Just Missed'



Not applicable

Hi Sangram,

I would like, but I just have a qvw file. I am working in a qlikview application (not qlik sens).

do you want me to send you the qvw file ?


Not applicable

No exactly.

An action is just a number (primary key). An action has an attribute "bench" which can be Achieved, Just Missed or Missed. let's consider (as an example) 99 actions (77 achieved + 10 Just Missed and 12 Missed) in march

The purpose is to display this bar

Master II
Master II

Hi Nasser,

QVW would be great 🙂

Thank you.

Master II
Master II

Assuming that values in the field Action are -> Bench = Achieved, JustMissed and Missed.

Try these expressions:

Dimension 1: year-month

Dimension  2: Action

Measure : if(Action = 'achieved',Count({$< Action = {'achieved'} >}Action),

               if(Action = 'justmissed',Count({$< Action = {'justmissed'} >}Action),

               if(Action = 'missed',Count({$< Action = {'missed'} >}Action) )))

Colour Expression:

               if(Action = 'acheived', lightgreen(),

               if(Action = 'justmissed', yellow(),

               if(Action = 'missed', lightred() )))