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Hi there, could not find an answer to my question in the other posts. Thus: here my question.
I have an excel file where the header names are not in row 1 but in row 6.
I asked ChatGPT for a solution and it came up with:
FROM [Pfad/Deiner/Datei.xlsx]
(ooxml, no labels, table is [Sheet1], header is 6);
But this does not work - any other suggestions?
There is absolutely no issue with the header not being on the first line. You just need to set the correct header size and field names in the wizard.
Thanks, I got it right now...
(ooxml, embedded labels, header is 5 lines, table is TABLE);
Use the wizard to set the header size. It's easier than trying to manually type in the right values, since you get immediate feedback (at the bottom) on whether you got it right.
Hi, does not work for my excel file.
The header is only in Row 6, not in rows 1 to 6...
I tried it but it does not load the original names of the header line but A, B, C, D, etc.
Is there really no other way then having the header in line 1?
There is absolutely no issue with the header not being on the first line. You just need to set the correct header size and field names in the wizard.
Thanks, I got it right now...
(ooxml, embedded labels, header is 5 lines, table is TABLE);