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Hello - I have an example as below.
ID | date | Type |
1 | 7/8/2020 | Plan |
1 | 7/9/2020 | Done |
1 | 7/10/2020 | Close |
2 | 7/9/2020 | Plan |
2 | 7/10/2020 | Future |
2 | 7/11/2020 | Close |
Here I want to show 2 Dates (Now & Next) for each ID.If there is Type called Done for each ID, (Ex ID 1)for NOW I want to show 7/9/2020 and Next would be 7/10/2020 and if there is no Done (Ex: ID 2) then Now would be 7/9/2020 and Next would be 7/11/2020.
Thank you much🙏
One solution is.
ID, date, Type
1, 7/8/2020, Plan
1, 7/9/2020, Done
1, 7/10/2020, Close
2, 7/9/2020, Plan
2, 7/10/2020, Future
2, 7/11/2020, Close
Left Join(tab1)
LOAD ID, If(Index(Concat(DISTINCT Type),'Done'), 'Y', 'N') As Flag,
FirstSortedValue(date,date) As StDt, FirstSortedValue(date,-date) As EdDt
Resident tab1
Group By ID;
Left Join(tab1)
LOAD *, If(Flag='Y' And Type='Done', 'Now',
If(Flag='Y' And Peek(Type)='Done', 'Next',
If(Flag='N' And date=StDt,'Now',
If(Flag='N' And date=EdDt,'Next')
) As Status
Resident tab1;
One solution is.
ID, date, Type
1, 7/8/2020, Plan
1, 7/9/2020, Done
1, 7/10/2020, Close
2, 7/9/2020, Plan
2, 7/10/2020, Future
2, 7/11/2020, Close
Left Join(tab1)
LOAD ID, If(Index(Concat(DISTINCT Type),'Done'), 'Y', 'N') As Flag,
FirstSortedValue(date,date) As StDt, FirstSortedValue(date,-date) As EdDt
Resident tab1
Group By ID;
Left Join(tab1)
LOAD *, If(Flag='Y' And Type='Done', 'Now',
If(Flag='Y' And Peek(Type)='Done', 'Next',
If(Flag='N' And date=StDt,'Now',
If(Flag='N' And date=EdDt,'Next')
) As Status
Resident tab1;
Thank you Saran - That helped..I used the below expression in the front end..
If(Index(Concat(DISTINCT Status),'Done'),
FirstSortedValue({$<Type={'Done'}>} Date, -Date),
If(not Index(Concat(DISTINCT Status),'Done'),
FirstSortedValue({$<Type-={'Done'}>} Date, Date)