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Good day,
I am kinda new with the Qliksense hub.
May I know how I can disable the qliksense hub from showing the apps . (it is showing even I haven't log in)
these apps are showing even though I haven't login in from the qliksense hub. thanks in advance
Hi @rbalatbat
You screenshot is showing the Everyone Stream, as its name implies, any application is visible by everybody; It is the responsibility of the Qlik Sense Server Administrators to create the Streams required by the Business, assign the streams accessible by users; the can even disable access to the Everyone Stream so nobody will publish their solutions to a low security Stream.
This video shows the process to publish to Streams, notice it features additional streams not only Everyone Qlik Sense in 60 - Publish and Move Apps from Hub
Hope this helps
just unpublish it from everyone stream.
Prashant Sangle