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I have data like this in sql DB.
ID | Name | Type | Comment |
1 | sai | one | yes |
1 | sai1 | two | no |
1 | sai2 | three | na |
2 | ca | four | ok |
2 | dog | five | not ok |
3 | gote | six | fine |
3 | rat | seven | etc |
3 | pig | eight | ticket |
4 | any | nine | etc |
4 | rog | ten | fine |
and i have to show like below in straight table in qliksense,Based on the ID The rows has to concatenate, Can you please help me to do this?
ID | Name | Type | Comment |
1 | sai,sai1,sai2 | one,two,three | yes,no,na |
2 | ca,dog | four,five | ok,not ok |
3 | gote,rat,pig | six,seven,eight | fine,etc,ticket |
4 | any,rog | nine,ten | etc,fine |