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I am trying to use an if statement, but i get an error when i type it.
this is the formula:
If(Avg((If([Daily Change %]>0,1,0)))>0.8,"Invest","Dont Invest")
this statement does work and it gives a value between 0-1:
Avg((If([Daily Change %]>0,1,0)))
Replace your double quotes with single quotes and try like:
If(Avg((If([Daily Change %]>0,1,0)))>0.8, 'Invest', 'Dont Invest')
Note: With double quotes, qlik looks for a field rather than treating it as a string.
Hi Bikoman,
Do you want to use this in a table or KPI object?
Replace your double quotes with single quotes and try like:
If(Avg((If([Daily Change %]>0,1,0)))>0.8, 'Invest', 'Dont Invest')
Note: With double quotes, qlik looks for a field rather than treating it as a string.