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I need expression below to ignore field: Customer_responded
Using this expression, but still not ignoring field.
Any ideas?
My expression:
count(distinct {<PeriodType = {'YTD'}, Customer_responded=, Flag_First_planned={'1'}, Planned_Project= {'1'}>} [%Key_Fact])
Thanks as always
Try this
Only({<Customer_responded>} Aggr(Count Distinct({<Customer_responded,PeriodType = {'YTD'}, Flag_First_planned={1},Planned_Project= {1}>} [%Key_Fact]), PeriodType ,Flag_First_planned, Planned_Project))
Thanks for the support!
Tried version. did not return expected values 😞
However, was the selection in the Customer_responded field disregarded?
When I applied the Customer_responded filter, field was not disregarded.
Count(DISTINCT{<Customer_responded=>} If(PeriodType='YTD' and Flag_First_planned='1' and Planned_Project='1', [%Key_Fact]))
Formula works but when I apply customer_responded applies value.
I added two snapshots, I think issue may be that I have two date fields?