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Web Connector connection for share point in server area.

Web Connector connection for share point in server area.

I've used web connector Office 365 Sharepoint connector to fetch data from share point into Qlik Sense Desktop June 2018, The Same i want to use in Server area, but not able to get data.

When using web connector i got the Script for the link like below:



    id as ListItemsFromID_id,

    title as ListItemsFromID_title,

    updated as ListItemsFromID_updated,

    FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject_Entry as ListItemsFromID_FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject_Entry,

    RoleAssignments_Feed as ListItemsFromID_RoleAssignments_Feed,

    AttachmentFiles_Feed as ListItemsFromID_AttachmentFiles_Feed,

    ContentType_Entry as ListItemsFromID_ContentType_Entry,

    GetDlpPolicyTip_Entry as ListItemsFromID_GetDlpPolicyTip_Entry,

    FieldValuesAsHtml_Entry as ListItemsFromID_FieldValuesAsHtml_Entry,

    FieldValuesAsText_Entry as ListItemsFromID_FieldValuesAsText_Entry,

    FieldValuesForEdit_Entry as ListItemsFromID_FieldValuesForEdit_Entry,





FROM [lib://ISnT_Reporting_Cockpit/]

(URL is [https://localhost:5555/data?connectorID=Office365Connector&table=ListItemsFromID&subSite=%2fsites%2f...

// IMPORTANT: If, when loading the above script, you receive a 'Script Error' Dialog box with a 'Field Not Found'

// (or other) error, the first thing you should do is copy and paste the full request URL (i.e. the URL between the square [...]

// brackets IN THE QLIKVIEW / QLIK SENSE SCRIPT ERROR DIALOG) into a browser address bar and check the response.

2 Replies

In the above area, the actual query is this:



    id as ListItemsFromID_id,

    title as ListItemsFromID_title,

    updated as ListItemsFromID_updated,

    FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject_Entry as ListItemsFromID_FirstUniqueAncestorSecurableObject_Entry,

    RoleAssignments_Feed as ListItemsFromID_RoleAssignments_Feed,

    AttachmentFiles_Feed as ListItemsFromID_AttachmentFiles_Feed,

    ContentType_Entry as ListItemsFromID_ContentType_Entry,

    GetDlpPolicyTip_Entry as ListItemsFromID_GetDlpPolicyTip_Entry,

    FieldValuesAsHtml_Entry as ListItemsFromID_FieldValuesAsHtml_Entry,

    FieldValuesAsText_Entry as ListItemsFromID_FieldValuesAsText_Entry,

    FieldValuesForEdit_Entry as ListItemsFromID_FieldValuesForEdit_Entry,







I've added the lib path and URL is options.....



Thanks for posting this information, however, you've not described any errors or issues, so I'm not sure how i can help.

Have you installed and licensed the Qlik Web Connectors on the server?

Do you get any error messages?

Darren Ball

Lead Product Designer - Qlik Web Connectors