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Creator II
Creator II

Arranging yearmonth in descending order

I have yearmonth values in my data in format 2013nov, 2013oct etc. I need to show latest 13 months in my chart. What is the proper way to do it?

6 Replies

You could create your yearmonth field in the script like dual(yearmonth, date#(yearmonth,'YYYYMMM')) as yearmonth. That way it will actually be a date field with a display format of the original field. Since it's now a date field you can use the addmonths function to calculate the date 13 months earlier: if(yearmonth >= addmonths(yearmonth, -12), yearmonth)

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand

I think you want a rolling months with latest month

Creator II
Creator II

By using this function its not converting it to the date format. Its showing it in the same format as it was before.


That's what I said: That way it will actually be a date field with a display format of the original field.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
Creator II
Creator II

Ok got it. I need to show the data of last 13 months in a bar chart and Yearmonth would be my dimension so lets say for latest 13 months of sales i need to show in bar chart. So how to restrict in bar chart that only 13 latest months are visible


You can try using a set analysis expression. If your chart now has an expression sum(Sales) you would change it to sum({<yearmonth={'>=$(=addmonths(max(yearmonth),-12))'}>}Sales) to restrict it to the last 13 months.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand