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Do More with Qlik - Qlik Cloud Analytics Recap and Getting Started, June 19: REGISTER
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Contributor III
Contributor III

Extra dimension value showing sum of all other dimension values

Hi, I have a bar chart that has location as a dimension and has two expressions that sum quantity by period in time.


I need to add an additional dimension value "All Locations" into the same bar chart which sums the values of the other dimension values, so the resulting values of "All Locations" would be:

June 17 to May 18 - 17.28

June 18 to May 19 - 14.96

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks, Simon

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3 Replies

Let's say your values comes from Sum(Values)
For that, You can call out using Dual() as
Dual([Period in Time] & Sum(Values), Sum(Values))

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi, where would I place the above?

My dimension is:   


My expressions are:



Thanks, Simon

Former Employee
Former Employee

Simon, any chance you can attach a sample app, I think that may help in this case get you what you need.


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I now work a compressed schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so those will be the days I will reply to any follow-up posts.